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Transaction Charges Comparison - India Share Brokers

Transaction Fee is changed by Share Brokers in India for trades executed at stock exchanges (BSE, NSE, MCX). Also known as turnover fee, transaction fee is usually combination of Exchange Turnover Charges and Clearing Charges.

Transaction fee is charged for trading segments including equity (intraday, delivery, F&O), Currency Derivatives and Commodities.

To know more visit Transaction Charges by Brokers in India - Explained with Examples

Exchange Transaction Charges Rates

Broker Equity Intraday Equity Delivery Equity Futures Equity Options Currency Futures Currency Options Commodity Request Callback Review Compare
GrowwNSE Rs 325 per Cr (0.00325%) | BSE Rs 375 per Cr (0.00375%) (sell side)NSE Rs 325 per Cr (0.00325%) | BSE Rs 375 per Cr (0.00375%) (each side)NSE Rs 190 per Cr (0.0019%) | BSE Rs 0NSE Rs 5000 per Cr (0.05%) | BSE Rs 3750 per Cr (0.0375%) (on premium)(on premium)NAGroww Review
ZerodhaNSE Rs 297 per Cr (0.00297%) | BSE Rs 375 per Cr (0.00375%) (sell side)NSE Rs 297 per Cr (0.00297%) | BSE Rs 375 per Cr (0.00375%) (each side)NSE Rs 173 per Cr (0.00173%) | BSE Rs 0NSE Rs 3503 per Cr (0.03503%) | BSE Rs 500 per Cr (0.005%) (on premium)NSE Rs 35 per Cr (0.00035%) | BSE Rs 45 per Cr (0.00045%)NSE Rs 3110 per Cr (0.0311%) | BSE Rs 100 per Cr (0.001%) (on premium)Group A - Rs 260 per Cr (0.0026%)Open Account Zerodha Review
Angel OneNSE Rs 325 per Cr (0.00325%) | BSE Rs 325 per Cr (0.00325%) (sell side)NSE Rs 325 per Cr (0.00325%) | BSE Rs 325 per Cr (0.00325%) (each side)NSE Rs 190 per Cr (0.0019%) | BSE Rs 0NSE Rs 5000 per Cr (0.05%) | BSE Rs 500 per Cr (0.005%) (on premium)NSE Rs 90 per Cr (0.0009%) | BSE Rs 22 per Cr (0.00022%)NSE Rs 3500 per Cr (0.035%) | BSE Rs 100 per Cr (0.001%) (on premium)MCX Rs 150 per Cr (0.0015%) | NCDEX Rs 300 per Cr (0.003%)Open Account Angel One Review
UpstoxNSE Rs 325 per Cr (0.00325%) | BSE Rs 375 per Cr (0.00375%) (sell side)NSE Rs 325 per Cr (0.00325%) | BSE Rs 375 per Cr (0.00375%) (each side)NSE Rs 190 per Cr (0.0019%) | BSE Rs 0NSE Rs 5000 per Cr (0.05%) | BSE Rs 3750 per Cr (0.0375%) (on premium)NSE Rs 90 per Cr (0.0009%) | BSE Rs 22 per Cr (0.00022%)NSE Rs 3500 per Cr (0.035%) | BSE Rs 100 per Cr (0.001%) (on premium)Group A - Rs 290 per Cr (0.0029%)Open Account Upstox Review
ICICIdirectNSE Rs 325 per Cr (0.00325%) | BSE Rs 375 per Cr (0.00375%) (sell side)NSE Rs 325 per Cr (0.00325%) | BSE Rs 375 per Cr (0.00375%) (each side)NSE Rs 190 per Cr (0.0019%) | BSE Rs 0NSE Rs 5000 per Cr (0.05%) | BSE Rs 3700 per Cr (0.037%) (on premium)NSE Rs 90 per Cr (0.0009%) | BSE Rs 90 per Cr (0.0009%)NSE Rs 4000 per Cr (0.04%) | BSE Rs 100 per Cr (0.001%) (on premium)Group A - Rs 260 per Cr (0.0026%)ICICIdirect Review
Kotak SecuritiesNSE Rs 335 per Cr (0.00335%) | BSE Rs 375 per Cr (0.00375%) (sell side)NSE Rs 335 per Cr (0.00335%) | BSE Rs 375 per Cr (0.00375%) (each side)NSE Rs 200 per Cr (0.002%) | BSE Rs 0NSE Rs 5050 per Cr (0.0505%) | BSE Rs 500 per Cr (0.005%) (on premium)NSE Rs 95 per Cr (0.00095%) | BSE Rs 22 per Cr (0.00022%)NSE Rs 3700 per Cr (0.037%) | BSE Rs 100 per Cr (0.001%) (on premium)MCX (for Agri & Non Agri): 0.0026%, NCDEX: 0.006% | Commodity Options: MCX : 0.05% & 0 for NCDEXOpen Account Kotak Securities Review
HDFC SecuritiesNSE Rs 325 per Cr (0.00325%) | BSE Rs 375 per Cr (0.00375%) (sell side)NSE Rs 325 per Cr (0.00325%) | BSE Rs 375 per Cr (0.00375%) (each side)NSE Rs 190 per Cr (0.0019%) | BSE Rs 0NSE Rs 5000 per Cr (0.05%) | BSE Rs 3700 per Cr (0.037%) (on premium)NSE Rs 90 per Cr (0.0009%) | BSE Rs 90 per Cr (0.0009%)NSE Rs 4000 per Cr (0.04%) | BSE Rs 100 per Cr (0.001%) (on premium)NAHDFC Securities Review
SBI SecuritiesNSE Rs 322 per Cr (0.00322%) | BSE Rs 375 per Cr (0.00375%) (sell side)NSE Rs 322 per Cr (0.00322%) | BSE Rs 375 per Cr (0.00375%) (each side)NSE Rs 190 per Cr (0.0019%) | BSE Rs 0NSE Rs 5000 per Cr (0.05%) | BSE Rs 3700 per Cr (0.037%) (on premium)NSE Rs 90 per Cr (0.0009%) | BSE Rs 90 per Cr (0.0009%)NSE Rs 4000 per Cr (0.04%) | BSE Rs 100 per Cr (0.001%) (on premium)SBI Securities Review
DhanNSE Rs 322 per Cr (0.00322%) | BSE Rs 375 per Cr (0.00375%) (sell side)NSE Rs 322 per Cr (0.00322%) | BSE Rs 375 per Cr (0.00375%) (each side)NSE Rs 188 per Cr (0.00188%) | BSE Rs 0NSE Rs 4950 per Cr (0.0495%) | BSE Rs 495 per Cr (0.00495%) (on premium)(on premium)Group A, B : 0.0026%Dhan Review
Paytm MoneyNSE Rs 345 per Cr (0.00345%) | BSE Rs 375 per Cr (0.00375%) (sell side)NSE Rs 345 per Cr (0.00345%) | BSE Rs 375 per Cr (0.00375%) (each side)BSE Rs 200 per Cr (0.002%)NSE Rs 5300 per Cr (0.053%) (on premium)(on premium)Open Account Paytm Money Review
SharekhanNSE Rs 335 per Cr (0.00335%) | BSE Rs 375 per Cr (0.00375%) (sell side)NSE Rs 325 per Cr (0.00325%) | BSE Rs 375 per Cr (0.00375%) (each side)NSE Rs 200 per Cr (0.002%) | BSE Rs 0NSE Rs 5050 per Cr (0.0505%) (on premium)NSE Rs 95 per Cr (0.00095%)NSE Rs 3700 per Cr (0.037%) (on premium)Futures: 0.0026% (MCX) | Black Pepper: Rs. 0.05 Castor Seed: Rs 0.5 Kapas: Rs 0.5, Options: 0.05%Sharekhan Review
Motilal OswalNSE Rs 325 per Cr (0.00325%) | BSE Rs 375 per Cr (0.00375%) (sell side)NSE Rs 325 per Cr (0.00325%) | BSE Rs 375 per Cr (0.00375%) (each side)NSE Rs 190 per Cr (0.0019%) | BSE Rs 0NSE Rs 5000 per Cr (0.05%) | BSE Rs 3700 per Cr (0.037%) (on premium)NSE Rs 90 per Cr (0.0009%) | BSE Rs 90 per Cr (0.0009%)NSE Rs 4000 per Cr (0.04%) | BSE Rs 100 per Cr (0.001%) (on premium)MCX: Rs 250 per Cr (0.0025%)Open Account Motilal Oswal Review
5paisaNSE Rs 345 per Cr (0.00345%) | BSE Rs 345 per Cr (0.00345%) (sell side)NSE Rs 345 per Cr (0.00345%) | BSE Rs 345 per Cr (0.00345%) (each side)NSE Rs 200 per Cr (0.002%) | BSE Rs 0NSE Rs 5300 per Cr (0.053%) (on premium)NSE Rs 90 per Cr (0.0009%)NSE Rs 3500 per Cr (0.035%) (on premium)Grp A: 0.0026%Open Account 5paisa Review
AxisDirectNSE Rs 325 per Cr (0.00325%) | BSE Rs 375 per Cr (0.00375%) (sell side)NSE Rs 325 per Cr (0.00325%) | BSE Rs 375 per Cr (0.00375%) (each side)NSE Rs 190 per Cr (0.0019%) | BSE Rs 0NSE Rs 5000 per Cr (0.05%) | BSE Rs 3700 per Cr (0.037%) (on premium)NSE Rs 90 per Cr (0.0009%) | BSE Rs 90 per Cr (0.0009%)NSE Rs 4000 per Cr (0.04%) | BSE Rs 100 per Cr (0.001%) (on premium)AxisDirect Review
GeojitNSE Rs 325 per Cr (0.00325%) | BSE Rs 375 per Cr (0.00375%) (sell side)NSE Rs 325 per Cr (0.00325%) | BSE Rs 375 per Cr (0.00375%) (each side)NSE Rs 190 per Cr (0.0019%) | BSE Rs 0NSE Rs 5000 per Cr (0.05%) | BSE Rs 3700 per Cr (0.037%) (on premium)NSE Rs 90 per Cr (0.0009%) | BSE Rs 90 per Cr (0.0009%)NSE Rs 4000 per Cr (0.04%) | BSE Rs 100 per Cr (0.001%) (on premium)NAGeojit Review
FyersNSE Rs 325 per Cr (0.00325%) | BSE Rs 375 per Cr (0.00375%) (sell side)NSE Rs 325 per Cr (0.00325%) | BSE Rs 375 per Cr (0.00375%) (each side)NSE Rs 190 per Cr (0.0019%) | BSE Rs 0NSE Rs 5000 per Cr (0.05%) (on premium)NSE Rs 90 per Cr (0.0009%) | BSE Rs 90 per Cr (0.0009%)NSE Rs 3500 per Cr (0.035%) (on premium)NAOpen Account Fyers Review
Choice BrokingNSE Rs 325 per Cr (0.00325%) | BSE Rs 325 per Cr (0.00325%) (sell side)NSE Rs 325 per Cr (0.00325%) | BSE Rs 325 per Cr (0.00325%) (each side)NSE Rs 190 per Cr (0.0019%) | BSE Rs 0NSE Rs 5000 per Cr (0.05%) (on premium)NSE Rs 90 per Cr (0.0009%)NSE Rs 3500 per Cr (0.035%) (on premium)Non-Agri Rs 290 per Crore (0.0029%) | Agri Rs 178 per Crore (0.00178%)Choice Broking Review
SMC GlobalNSE Rs 325 per Cr (0.00325%) | BSE Rs 375 per Cr (0.00375%) (sell side)NSE Rs 325 per Cr (0.00325%) | BSE Rs 375 per Cr (0.00375%) (each side)NSE Rs 190 per Cr (0.0019%) | BSE Rs 0NSE Rs 5000 per Cr (0.05%) | BSE Rs 3700 per Cr (0.037%) (on premium)NSE Rs 90 per Cr (0.0009%) | BSE Rs 90 per Cr (0.0009%)NSE Rs 4000 per Cr (0.04%) | BSE Rs 100 per Cr (0.001%) (on premium)0.0030%SMC Global Review
Alice BlueNSE Rs 325 per Cr (0.00325%) | BSE Rs 375 per Cr (0.00375%) (sell side)NSE Rs 325 per Cr (0.00325%) | BSE Rs 375 per Cr (0.00375%) (each side)NSE Rs 190 per Cr (0.0019%) | BSE Rs 0NSE Rs 5000 per Cr (0.05%) | BSE Rs 3700 per Cr (0.037%) (on premium)NSE Rs 90 per Cr (0.0009%) | BSE Rs 90 per Cr (0.0009%)NSE Rs 4000 per Cr (0.04%) | BSE Rs 100 per Cr (0.001%) (on premium)Non-Agri Rs 360 per Cr (0.0036%) | Agri Rs 275 per Cr (0.00275%)Open Account Alice Blue Review
FinvasiaNSE Rs 325 per Cr (0.00325%) | BSE Rs 375 per Cr (0.00375%) (sell side)NSE Rs 325 per Cr (0.00325%) | BSE Rs 375 per Cr (0.00375%) (each side)NSE Rs 190 per Cr (0.0019%) | BSE Rs 0NSE Rs 5000 per Cr (0.05%) | BSE Rs 3700 per Cr (0.037%) (on premium)NSE Rs 90 per Cr (0.0009%) | BSE Rs 90 per Cr (0.0009%)NSE Rs 4000 per Cr (0.04%) | BSE Rs 100 per Cr (0.001%) (on premium)Rs 260 per Cr (0.0026%)Finvasia Review

Exchange Transaction Charges NSE, BSE and MCX

Also known as Exchange Turnover Fee, it is usually a combination of Exchange Turnover Charges and Clearing Charges. Though exchange has standard fees, each broker charges a different transaction fee as some include clearing charges while others do not. The clearing charge varies by broker to broker.

NSE, BSE and MCX Exchanges keep revising the transition charges from time to time. They also offer rewards to stock brokers to boost the volume in certain segments for a limited time.

Exchange Transaction Charges Zerodha, Sharekhan and Angel One

Each broker charges a different transaction charge. The above report provides the detail of how much each broker including Zerodha, Sharekhan and Angel One charges.

Self-clearing stock brokers like Zerodha, ICICI Direct and ProStock offer cheapest transaction fee as they do not add any clearing charges. In this case, the customer pays the actual exchange turnover fee.

Exchange Transaction Charges for Intraday, NSE Futures

The transaction fee is applicable for all trading segments including equity (intraday, delivery, F&O), Currency Derivatives and Commodities.

This is the major source of earning for stock exchanges in India.

Exchange Transaction Charges Calculation

The exchange transaction charge is calculated on the transaction value of the trade. For example, if you buy shares worth of Rs 1,00,000 in equity delivery transaction, you pay Rs 3.35 (0.0035%) Exchange txn charge in addition to the brokerage and other taxes.

More Information about Transaction Charges:

Contact Note with Exchange Transaction Fees (Turnover Charges)


Zerodha Contract Note Sample



2. Rk   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|April 9, 2023 8:11:46 AMReply
Angel ek ghatiya broker hai. Dunia bhar ke hidden charges. Positive balance ko negative bta kr pledge unpledge charge le rhe hn bhikhari. Katora do koi inke Sare employees aur sub brokers ko.
1. SHEKHER JAIPURIAR   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|July 5, 2020 3:40:56 PMReply
If I purchase nifty future 1000, suppose nifty is at 10000,
Then I think I have to invest only 10 lakh,
whereas its value will be one crore
Then what is brokerage distribution.( Intraday)
Is it within 1000 or within 2000
If it is sold in five steps or five parties
Then cumulative all total brokerage will be within one or two or three thousand