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IPO Basics FAQs

IPO Basics FAQ provide answers to commonly asked questions about IPO Basics FAQ in Indian Stock Market. This IPO Basics FAQ list is to help investors for their better understanding of IPO Basics FAQ and to resolve their quires.

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IPO Basics FAQ FAQ List

S No Question Feedback Count
1What is an IPO?2
2Who decides the Price Band?4
3Who decides the date of the issue?1
4What is the role of registrar of an IPO?0
5What is the role of Lead Managers in an IPO?2
6What is Follow on public offering or FPO?2
7What is primary & secondary market?9
8What is the life cycle of an IPO? 7
9What is the life cycle of an IPO prospectus?3
10What is the difference between Book Building Issue and Fixed Price Issue?7
11What is the difference between Floor Price and Cut-Off Price for a Book Building Issue?6
12What is the difference between RII, NII, QIB and Anchor Investor?67
13As a retail investor I want to apply more then Rs 1 lakhs in an IPO. Can I invest in Non-institutional bidder's category? If yes then what are advantages or disadvantages of this?2
14Is it mandatory to have PAN number to apply in an IPO?2
15How many days an IPO remain open for public?0
16What information should I keep after I submit the IPO application form?0
17What is 'Market Lot Size' and 'Minimum Order Quantity' for an IPO?3
18Does applying in an IPO guarantee me to get certain amount of shares?1
19Investing in IPO's is much less riskier then directly investing in stock market. Is that true?0
20Can I apply in an IPO through multiple applications on same name?69
21How many days is the issue open?0
22What is Basis of Allocation or Basis of Allotment?0
23Can I revise or cancel my IPO application?3
24Where do I get an IPO application form?2
25Can a minor apply in IPO?5
26Tips to choose right IPO for investment.0
27Can a person apply in the non-institutional bidder category of an IPO?4
28What is the minimum & maximum investment one could do in HNI category?5
29Can I place a buy order during after hour session before the listing date of an IPO?1
30How one can apply in IPO's online?14
31How is IPO listing price decided?8
32What is right issue or RI?12
33Why does the retail Individual Investor RII bidding status is not getting updated every hour?0
34What are the risk factors involve in applying in an IPO?0
35Can both the joint demat account holders individually apply for an IPO?3
36Why does maximum subscription Amount for Retail Investor is limited to Rs 2 lakh?3
37What are the determining factors for the selection of an ipo to invest?0
38How much tax I have to pay on returns (capital gains) for a particular IPO?0
39What is the procedure to withdraw from an IPO?15
40How a Company gets listed on stock exchange without an IPO? 0
41For how many days an issue is required to be kept open?0
42Can minors apply to an ipo ?3
43What is over the counter trading ?1
44Can we sell the stock allotted to us in a ipo before the stock gets listed ?0
45How to fill IPO online ?0
46What will be the category of 'private family trust' for applying in IPO ?0
47What will be the category of 'private family trust' for applying in IPO ? Retail Bidder or Non-Institutional Bidder ?0
48Can private limited company eligible to subscribe in non institutional category?2
49What do you mean by pre IPO placement? Is it worth to buy any script at the time of pre IPO placement and how will it benefit the customers ?0
50Who can apply for QIBs in IPO? WHAT is the rules and regulatin for QIBs ?1
51How many days issue takes to list in the market ?1
52What is call option and put option?2
53What is the listing of ipo and how the listing done ?0
54How many days does it take for a cheque to be cleared for an application of an IPO?0
55How cut off price of IPO decided?0
56What is meaning of BID QUANTITY & BID PRICE ? 0
57What is the full form of IPO ?1
58What do you mean by IPO funding ?0
59What is the role of 'Syndicate Members' in IPO Processing?0
60What are the timelines for Book Building IPOs in India?0
61When maximum number of days for which IPO bid should remain open is 7 (and minimum is 3), why companies go for less than 7 days bidding (i.e. 3, 4 days generally)?0
62How to apply more than one application in an IPO?0
63How many IPO applications can be made from one bank account using ASBA?17
64What are different ways of filing IPO application?0
65How many IPO applications can submit through online net banking from one bank account?19
66Can I apply in an IPO from my current bank account?0
67Can one apply an IPO from sweep in/out saving bank account?0
68Can I apply IPO in the name of family members & friends from my saving bank account?25
69Can I apply more than one IPO application in my name from different saving bank accounts in the same bank or different banks?0
70What fields make an IPO application unique?0
71If I have joint DP account whom I should consider for applicant in an IPO application form?0
72Can I apply an IPO application in the name of Minor or HUF?0
73How many lots in an IPO should I apply to get maximum allocation in retail category?5
74Does changing the broker, bank account or applying 1st-day 1st-hour change my chance for IPO allotment?0
75When should I expect allotment of IPO shares?0
76When should I expect credit of IPO Shares in my Demat Account?29
77When should I expect release of funds blocked for IPO in my bank?15
78When should I expect listing of IPO shares?0
79Till what time I can apply in an IPO on last day of an IPO?2
80Should I submit three bids of one lot each at three different bid prices in one IPO application?0
81If there is a discount to retail investors in an IPO, at what price should I subscribe?0
82I have not marked cut-off but has given bid price at upper band in an IPO application. Does it make any difference?1
83Why should I bid at cut-off in a book building IPO?0
84I applied in an IPO whose price band is now reduced. I have already applied in original band & amount stands blocked already. What should I do?0
85Where can I find the subscription figure of an IPO?0
86How IPO shares price is discovered in early price discovery session?0
87How one can apply in IPO's offline?0
88How i can apply for an IPO online while my broker is not offering IPO facility but i have a demat account.0
89Is it possible for individual to apply for both retail (below 2 lakh) and HNI (above 2 lakhs) for a IPO?2
90Is there any eligibility criteria for NII or just minimum investment of Rs 2 lakh is required?1
91Can I apply for an IPO for my friend�s PAN details in my Demat account?0
92Is there different application form for NII and retail investor?0
93If an individual wants to apply in NII quota the procedure is same or different while applying in physical mode and online mode?0
94Is there any circuits at the time of IPO listing?0
95How to sell IPO shares on listing day during special pre-open time between 9:00AM to 9:45 AM?26
96Can we apply for an IPO online on Sunday?0
97How to sell IPO?0
98I want to invest for short time so please let me know which IPO will give positive gain?0
99How to find the old IPO offer document?0
100I want updates on every upcoming IPO? Where can I get it?0
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