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Mainboard IPO Performance 2017 (IPO History by Year)

Monitor the IPO Performance of Mainline IPO Stocks listed at BSE and NSE. Click on chart image at the end of each row to view the live stock quotes and charts of the IPO Stock. Click on the issuer company name to get the complete detail of IPO. Check IPO Performance Summary: Issue Price Vs Listing Price | Issue Price Vs Current Price


IPO Performance Tracker

Company Name Listed On Issue Price Listing Day Close Listing Day Gain Current Price Profit/Loss
Expand Astron Paper & Board Mill Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Dec 29, 2017 ₹50 ₹119.70 139.40% ₹25.70 -48.60%
Expand Future Supply Chain Solutions Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Dec 18, 2017 ₹664 ₹685.80 3.28% ₹3.74 -99.44%
Expand Shalby Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Dec 15, 2017 ₹248 ₹239.25 -3.53% ₹279.40 12.66%
Expand HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Nov 17, 2017 ₹290 ₹344.25 18.71% ₹703.00 142.41%
Expand Khadim India Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Nov 14, 2017 ₹750 ₹688.50 -8.20% ₹383.60 -48.85%
Expand The New India Assurance Company Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Nov 13, 2017 ₹800 ₹725.05 -9.37% ₹291.50 -63.56%
Expand Mahindra Logistics Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Nov 10, 2017 ₹429 ₹429.15 0.03% ₹535.85 24.91%
Expand Reliance Nippon Life Asset Management Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Nov 6, 2017 ₹252 ₹284.00 12.70% ₹651.90 158.69%
Expand General Insurance Corporation of India
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Oct 25, 2017 ₹912 ₹870.40 -4.56% ₹410.45 -54.99%
Expand Indian Energy Exchange Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Oct 23, 2017 ₹1650 ₹1,626.45 -1.43% ₹176.60 7.03%
Expand MAS Financial Services Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Oct 18, 2017 ₹459 ₹654.75 42.65% ₹289.75 -36.87%
Expand Godrej Agrovet Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Oct 16, 2017 ₹460 ₹595.55 29.47% ₹832.00 80.87%
Expand Prataap Snacks Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Oct 5, 2017 ₹938 ₹1,178.30 25.62% ₹901.85 -3.85%
Expand SBI Life Insurance Company Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Oct 3, 2017 ₹700 ₹708.00 1.14% ₹1,751.15 150.16%
Expand ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Sep 27, 2017 ₹661 ₹681.55 3.11% ₹1,964.20 197.16%
Expand Capacit'e Infraprojects Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Sep 25, 2017 ₹250 ₹342.40 36.96% ₹315.55 26.22%
Expand Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Sep 21, 2017 ₹985 ₹901.20 -8.51% ₹601.75 -38.91%
Expand Bharat Road Network Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Sep 18, 2017 ₹205 ₹208.15 1.54% ₹49.50 -75.85%
Expand Dixon Technologies (India) Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Sep 18, 2017 ₹1766 ₹2,892.80 63.81% ₹11,273.50 3,091.82%
Expand Apex Frozen Foods Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Sep 4, 2017 ₹175 ₹209.85 19.91% ₹289.55 65.46%
Expand Cochin Shipyard Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Aug 11, 2017 ₹432 ₹522.00 20.83% ₹2,466.65 1,041.97%
Expand Security and Intelligence Services (India) Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Aug 10, 2017 ₹815 ₹756.70 -7.15% ₹419.45 2.93%
Expand Salasar Techno Engineering Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jul 25, 2017 ₹108 ₹259.15 139.95% ₹17.87 65.46%
Expand Au Financiers (India) Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jul 10, 2017 ₹358 ₹541.20 51.17% ₹650.50 81.70%
Expand GTPL Hathway Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jul 4, 2017 ₹170 ₹171.65 0.97% ₹164.75 -3.09%
Expand Central Depository Services (India) Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jun 30, 2017 ₹149 ₹261.60 75.57% ₹2,446.80 1,542.15%
Expand Eris Lifesciences Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jun 29, 2017 ₹603 ₹601.05 -0.32% ₹1,073.10 77.96%
Expand Tejas Networks Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jun 27, 2017 ₹257 ₹263.30 2.45% ₹1,298.75 405.35%
Expand IndiGrid InvIT Fund
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jun 6, 2017 ₹100 ₹98.45 -1.55% ₹141.94 41.94%
Expand PSP Projects Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
May 29, 2017 ₹210 ₹208.95 -0.50% ₹684.85 226.12%
Expand Housing and Urban Development Corporation Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
May 19, 2017 ₹60 ₹72.50 20.83% ₹313.95 423.25%
Expand IRB InvIT Fund
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
May 18, 2017 ₹102 ₹101.79 -0.21% ₹66.91 -34.40%
Expand S Chand and Company Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
May 9, 2017 ₹670 ₹675.85 0.87% ₹231.25 -65.49%
Expand Shankara Building Products Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Apr 5, 2017 ₹460 ₹632.80 37.57% ₹674.95 46.73%
Expand CL Educate Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Mar 31, 2017 ₹502 ₹417.90 -16.75% ₹91.65 -63.49%
Expand Avenue Supermarts Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Mar 21, 2017 ₹299 ₹640.75 114.30% ₹5,069.30 1,595.42%
Expand Music Broadcast Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Mar 17, 2017 ₹333 ₹373.15 12.06% ₹15.54 -76.67%
Expand BSE Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Feb 3, 2017 ₹806 ₹1,069.20 32.66% ₹2,447.50 203.66%


  • Stock splits are adjusted in Issue Prices.
  • Bonuses, dividends or other actions are not considered while calculating 'Profit / Loss'.
  • Records on this page are default sorted by IPO list date.
  • Please visit BSE / NSE websites for current stock quotes & charts.
  • Information on this page is last updated on 7/26/2024 4 PM.

Mainline IPO Performance Reports (BSE,NSE)

SME IPO Performance Reports (BSE SME, NSE Emerge)

IPO Performance 2017

Company NameListing Day Gain/LossCurrent Gain/Loss
Astron Paper & Board Mill Ltd139.40%-48.60%
Future Supply Chain Solutions Ltd3.28%-99.44%
Shalby Limited-3.53%12.66%
HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Ltd18.71%142.41%
Khadim India Limited-8.20%-48.85%
The New India Assurance Company Limited-9.37%-63.56%
Mahindra Logistics Limited0.03%24.91%
Reliance Nippon Life Asset Management Ltd12.70%158.69%
General Insurance Corporation of India-4.56%-54.99%
Indian Energy Exchange Ltd-1.43%7.03%
MAS Financial Services Ltd42.65%-36.87%
Godrej Agrovet Limited29.47%80.87%
Prataap Snacks Limited25.62%-3.85%
SBI Life Insurance Company Ltd1.14%150.16%
ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Ltd3.11%197.16%
Capacit'e Infraprojects Limited36.96%26.22% Limited-8.51%-38.91%
Bharat Road Network Limited1.54%-75.85%
Dixon Technologies (India) Limited63.81%3,091.82%
Apex Frozen Foods Ltd19.91%65.46%
Cochin Shipyard Ltd20.83%1,041.97%
Security and Intelligence Services (India) Ltd-7.15%2.93%
Salasar Techno Engineering Ltd139.95%65.46%
Au Financiers (India) Limited51.17%81.70%
GTPL Hathway Limited0.97%-3.09%
Central Depository Services (India) Limited75.57%1,542.15%
Eris Lifesciences Limited-0.32%77.96%
Tejas Networks Limited2.45%405.35%
IndiGrid InvIT Fund-1.55%41.94%
PSP Projects Ltd-0.50%226.12%
Housing and Urban Development Corporation Ltd20.83%423.25%
IRB InvIT Fund-0.21%-34.40%
S Chand and Company Ltd0.87%-65.49%
Shankara Building Products Ltd37.57%46.73%
CL Educate Ltd-16.75%-63.49%
Avenue Supermarts Limited114.30%1,595.42%
Music Broadcast Ltd12.06%-76.67%
BSE Limited32.66%203.66%