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SME IPO allotment status provides the detail about the number of shares allotted to the investor in an Initial public offer (SME IPO). SME IPO allotment process is carried out by the registrar of the SME IPO. SME IPO allotment date is the date when the allotment status is announced to the public on the website of the registrar of the SME IPO.
SME IPO allotment calculation is published by the registrar in the basis of allotment document. Investors can do SME IPO allotment check by visiting the website of the registrar (i.e. Linkintime, Karvy) once the allotment is done.Â
SME IPO Investors are also informed about the new SME IPO allotment status by BSE, NSE, CDSL, and NSDL through email and SMS.
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Shares are allocated to retail investors in an SME IPO through a lottery in case of oversubscription of SME IPO. Online SME IPO allotments status offers detail about the number of shares applied and allocated to the investor in an SME IPO.
The allotment status is available online on the registrar's website. An investor can check allotment status by entering PAN Number or the SME IPO allocation number.
Registrar of the SME IPO also publishes a basis of allotment document. This document provides detail about the number of applications received and how the allotments are done.
SME IPO investors can check the SME IPO allotment status on the website of SME IPO registrar.
Each SME IPO has a designed registrar i.e. Linkintime, Karvy. Register of an SME IPO is a financial institution registered with stock exchanges and SEBI. Registrars keep the records of the issue and ownership of the company shares. The registrar is responsible for allotment of shares to investors in an SME IPO, process refund, and transfer allocated shares to investors demat account.
SME IPO allotment status is available online within one week of the public issue closing date. The allotment is announced by the registrar of the SME IPO.
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