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Rights Issue Glossary - Definitions, Abbreviations, Terminology and Meaning

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Rights Issue Definitions, Abbreviations, Meanings

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1Rights Issue RenunciationThe rights issue renunciation takes place when a shareholder wants to give up his rights and renounce in favor of other interested investors at a price.4
2Rights Issue RenounceeA renouncee in the rights issue process is a person receiving the rights entitlements in renunciation by paying a price for shares acquired from the seller.2
3Rights Issue Record DateThe record date for the rights issue is the date announced by the company to determine the shareholders who are eligible to receive rights entitlements.1
4Rights Issue RenouncerA renouncer in the rights issue process is a person giving up his rights entitlements at a price by transferring his entitlements in favor of another person.1
5Rights Issue Ex-DateThe rights issue ex-date is the date from which the shares become ex-rights and do not carry any benefit of rights share for the new buyers from the ex-date.0