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1. Dr. Gaurav Gupta   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|June 10, 2021 7:21:07 PMReply
UpStox claims that it provides early access to 60 international exchanges in 25+ countries. They don't have any such permission till date and thus they are decieving gullible customers. They are committing fraud because UpStox portal both before and during registration doesn't say that the service is yet to start. It is an offense under IPC 417, IPC 420, IPC 406 and New Consumer Protection Act 2019. And unless they stop duping people, the founders and its key employees are looking forward to a bright future in jail in not so distant future.


Brokerage - Very Poor
Account Maintenance Fees - Very Poor
Website Usability - Very Poor
Research Capabilities - Very Poor
Customer Service - Very Poor
Overall Experience - Very Poor