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1. KAMMA SIVA RAMA KRISHNA   I Like It. 3|Report Abuse|  Link|December 3, 2021 11:16:12 AMReply
Is it worthwhile buying a stock with buy back news anymore ? Depending upon the Size of the buyback, Track record of the company, difference between the CMP and the Buyback price, sustainability of the share price during n after the period of the buyback, holding capacity of the investors during the tough time arises if any , conditions during which the buyback is operated, YES it will be worthwhile.
I also agree that the prevailing conditions are not much attractive n favourable. But they will not be the same for ever. We have to be attentive, selective and watchful to grab the opportunity at an appropriate time.
Please don’t be disappointed. Look forward for the better opportunities. All the best. Thank you.