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Feedback Message Board


1. Raju Kapoor   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|March 16, 2023 9:42:39 PMReply
There are several problems with Upstox.
1. Glitches in trade processing are too frequent, almost once every 10 days.
2. Upstox servers are ALWAYS jammed up in the first 10 minutes of any trading session and it is impossible to send in orders during this time.
3. Ticks stop updating in Upstox mobile app intermittently, especially on follow-up visits. One has to log out and re-log in every single time.
4. Upstox mobile app is super slow to log in.
5. Very complex and erroneous GTT order system.
The tech team clearly doesn't know what it is doing.


Brokerage - Average
Account Maintenance Fees - Above Average
Website Usability - Average
Research Capabilities - Very Poor
Customer Service - Average
Overall Experience - Below Average