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1. Wilbur   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|September 1, 2020 8:43:19 PMReply
Extremely poor customer service. I'm not even sure why they have employed people in customer service. Three only way to contact customer service is via chat. A response is received on chat based on their whims and fancies. You may send a message at 11:00 am but receive a response only at 5:30 pm. The customer service uses 2 strategies. First strategy is to totally side step your query and provide a response on a totally unrelated topic. Second strategy is the canned response "We have highlighted your ticket to the concern team and they will revert soon". Their customer service strategy is to frustrate the customer. And you are bound to interact with the lousy customer service because their systems are broken. Funds transfers made to you trading account don't materialize. Contract notes aren't sent out on many occasions. Buggy systems with login issues. The list is endless. Opening an Upstox account was a huge mistake. If you read this review and still go ahead with opening an Upstox account, you have only yourself to blame when things go wrong; and they definitely will


Brokerage - Average
Account Maintenance Fees - Very Poor
Website Usability - Very Poor
Research Capabilities - Very Poor
Customer Service - Very Poor
Overall Experience - Very Poor