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1. vasu   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|October 29, 2013 12:27:11 AMReply
hi my name is vasu
i have started trading with angel with investment of 25000 brokerage is 1paisa and delivery 0.10paisa it is really good but one bad thing is minimum brokerage they taking 30rs for bse and nse.
Ex. if u trade in bse total amount per day 10,000rs actual brokerage is 0.10 but they are taking 30rs brokerage(minimum) at the same day if u trade in NSE olso they are taking 30.00rs it is very bad

clearly bse trading 3,50,000 brokerage = 35rs.
bse trading 500 rs brokerage = 30rs.
nse trading 500 rs brokerage = 30rs.

and one good thing is angel gives there is no square off so u can buy or cell up to market closing 3.30pm.

1.1. M S Malkani   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|November 23, 2013 1:27:40 PM
Can you tell me which branch u opened the account becaeven i opened the account with Angel Broking with the same deposit but they are charging 0.20 % brokerage. Request you to tell me your branch name where you have opened the account.