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Flat ₹20/trade Intra-day/F&O
RAVI KUMAR DISTILLERIES LIMITED (Originally incorporated as 'Ravi Kumar Distilleries Limited' on 11th October, 1993 under the Companies Act,1956 vide Certificate of Incorporation issued by the Registrar of Companies, Tamil Nadu and our Company received its Certificate for Commencement of Business on 4th day of December, 1998). Registered Office : 1-C, Nandita Apartments, No. 47, Thirumalai Pillai Road, T. Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India- 600 017. Tel:+91-44-2834 4434, Fax: +91-44-2834 1301; Corporate Office : 17, Kamaraj Salai, Puducherry, India- 605 011, Tel: +91-413 -2343278, Fax: +91-413- 2346386, Website:; E-Mail: (For details of changes in our registered office, see the section titled 'Our History and Corporate Structure' on Page 108 of the Prospectus) Works- R.S 89/4A, Katterikuppam Village, Mannadipet Commune, Puducherry, Pin - 605 502, Tel: +91-413 - 2674444/2674888, Fax: .91-413-2674553; Contact Person & Compliance Officer: Mr. G Raghavan, Compliance Officer/Company Secretary; Email: Our Promoter is Mr. R. V. Ravikumar, having his residential address at No: 2, Villa Balaji, 1st Cross Extention, Rainbow Nagar, Puducherry, Pin - 605 011. BASIS OF ALLOTMENT INITIAL PUBLIC OFFERING OF 1,15,00,000 EQUITY SHARES OF Rs. 10 EACH AT A PRICE OF RS 64 PER EQUITY SHARE FOR CASH (INCLUDING SHARE PREMIUM OF RS. 54 PER SHARE) AGGREGATING RS. 7360 LACS (HEREIN REFERRED TO AS THE ISSUE). THE ISSUE SHALL CONSTITUTE 47.92 % OF THE FULLY DILUTED POST ISSUE CAPITAL OF OUR COMPANY. The Equity Shares of the Company are proposed to be listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange Limited ('BSE') and National Stock Exchange of India Limited ('NSE'). THE FACE VALUE PER EQUITY SHARE IS RS.10/-. THE ISSUE PRICE PER EQUITY SHARE IS RS. 64/- AND IS 6.4 TIMES THE FACE VALUE. This Issue is being made through a 100% Book Building Process wherein up to 50% of the Issue shall be allocated on a proportionate basis to eligible Qualified Institutional Buyers ('QIBs'), out of which 5% of the Portion shall be available for allocation on a proportionate basis to Mutual Funds only, and the remainder of the QIB portion shall be available for allocation on a proportionate basis to all eligible Qualified Institutional Buyers, including Mutual Funds, subject to valid Bids being received at or above the Issue Price. Further, not less than 15% of the Issue shall be made available for allocation on a proportionate basis to Non-Institutional Bidders and not less than 35% of the Issue shall be made available for allocation on a proportionate basis to Retail Individual Bidders, subject to valid Bids being received at or above the Issue Price. The Issue received 6432 applications for 24428100 Equity Shares resulting in 2.12 times subscription. The details of the applications received in the Issue from Qualified Institutional Buyers, Non-Institutional Investors and Retail Individual Investors are as under: (Before technical rejections)
Final Demand
The Basis of Allotment was finalized in consultation with Designated Stock Exchange, Being the Bombay Stock Exchange Limited ('BSE') on 16th December, 2010 A. Allotment to Retail Individual Investors (After Technical Rejections) including
ASBA applications
B. Allotment to Non Institutional Investors (After Technical Rejections) including ASBA applications The Basis of Allotment to the Non Institutional Investors, who have bid at the Issue Price of 64/- per Equity Share, was finalized in consultation with BSE. The category was over subscribed 4.77 times. The spill over portion from QIB Category was 1235013 equity shares. The total number of shares allotted in this category is 2510014 Equity Shares to 33 successful applicants. The category-wise details of the Basis of Allotment are as under:
C. Allotment to QIBs . The Basis of Allotment to the QIBs, who have bid at the Issue Price of Rs. 64/- per Equity Share, was finalized in consultation with BSE. As per SEBI (ICDR) Regulations, 2009 Mutual Funds were to be allocated 5% of the quantum of shares available i.e. 287500, There were no applications from Mutual Funds. The category was subscribed 0.146 times. One (1) application for 840600 Equity Shares was received.. Un-subscribed portion of QIB Category i.e. 4909400 equity shares has been added to the Non Institutional Investors category & the Retail Individual Investors category in the ratio of 15:35. The total number of shares allotted in Qualified Institutional Investors category is 840600 Equity Shares which were allotted to 1 successful applicant. The category wise details of the Basis of allotment are as under:
The Board of Directors of the company at its Meeting held on 18th December, 2010 has taken on record the basis of allocation of Equity Shares of the Issue and has accordingly allotted the Equity Shares to the Bidders. The CAN-cum-Refund Orders and allotment advice and/ or notices have been dispatched to the address of the Bidders as registered with the depositories on or prior to 20.12.2010. In case the same is not received within 10 days, investors may contact at the address given below. The instructions to Self Certified Syndicate Banks have been given on 16.12.2010. The Refund Orders have been over-printed with the Bank Account details as registered, if any, with the depositories. The Equity Shares allocated to successful applicants are being credited to their beneficiary accounts subject to validation of the account details with the depositories concerned. The Company is taking steps to get the Equity Shares admitted for trading on the Bombay Stock Exchange Limited and National Stock Exchange of India Limited within twelve working days from the date of closure of the bid. INVESTORS PLEASE NOTE All future correspondence in this regard may kindly be addressed to the Registrar to the Issue quoting full name of the First/ Sole applicant, serial number of the Bid-cum-Application Form, number of Equity Shares bid for, name of the Member of the Syndicate, place where the bid was submitted and payment details at the address given below: Karvy Computershare Private Limited TOLL FREE - HELPLINE NUMBER - 1-800-3454001
The IPO allocation is based on the subscription level and the investor category.
Refer to IPO allotment rules and methods for more details.
See the basis of allotment document above to know how the shares are allocated in Ravikumar Distilleries IPO .
The Ravikumar Distilleries IPO basis of allotment (published above) tells you how shares are allocated to you in Ravikumar Distilleries IPO and category wise demand of IPO share.
Visit the Ravikumar Distilleries IPO allotment status page to check the number of shares allocated to your application.
In Ravikumar Distilleries IPO allotment process, the registrar separates valid and invalid applications. The invalid applications with technical errors are rejected and only valid applications at or above the cut-off price are considered for allotment.
For more information, please refer to IPO Allotment Process and Basis of Allotment.
Check the Ravikumar Distilleries IPO basis of allotment document to know how the shares are allocated in Ravikumar Distilleries IPO.
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