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February 29, 2024 - March 4, 2024

Mukka Proteins IPO Basis of Allotment

wpe2.jpg (9437 bytes) MUKKA PROTEINS LIMITED
Our Company was originally formed as a partnership firm constituted under the Indian Partnership Act, 1932 pursuant to a deed of partnership dated March 13,2003 and was registered with Registrar of Firms, Bangalore on March 21,2003 under the name "Mukka Sea Foods Industries "and was re-constituted on July 14,2004 and June 18,2010. "Mukka Sea Foods Industries "was thereafter converted from a partnership firm to a private limited oompany under Part IX of the Companies Act. 1956, as ' Mukka Sea Food Industries Private Limited* and a certificate of incorporation was issued by the Registrar of Companies, Karnataka on November 04,2010. Subsequently, our Company was converted to a public limited company, pursuant to a special resolution passed by the shareholders of our Company at the extraordinary general meeting held on November 09.2019 and the name of our Company was changed to "Mukka Sea Food Industries Limited" and a fresh certificate of incorporation, consequent upon conversion to a public limited company dated December 02.2019. was issued to our Company by the Registrar of Companies, Bangalore. Thereafter, the name of our Company was changed to "Mukka Proteins Limited" pursuant to a special resolution passed by the shareholders of our Company at the extraordinary general meeting held on July 23,2021 and a fresh certificate of incorporation dated August 06,2021 was issued by the Registrar of Companies, Bangalore. The CIN of our Company is U05004KA2010PLC055771. For details of change in the name and registered office of our Company, see 'History and Certain Corporate Matters" on page 266 of the Prospectus dated March 05,2024 ("Prospectus").
Corporate Identity Number 005004KA2010PLC055771
Registered Office: Mukka Corporate House. Door No. 18-2-16/4. First Cross. NG Road. Attavara. Dakshina Kannada. Mangaluru 575001. Karnataka.
Tel: +918244252889; Contact Person: Mehaboobsab ktahmadgous Chalyal. Company Secretary and Compliance Officer; E-mail: Website:



Our Company has filed the Prospectus dated March 05,2024 with the ROC. and the Equity shares are proposed to be listed on the National Stock Exchange of India Limited ("NSE") and BSE Limited ("BSE") and trading is expected to commence on March 07,2024




1) A significant majority of our revenues from operations are derived from a limited number of customers.

The contribution towards revenue from sale of products from our top 2, top 5 and top 10 customers is as follows:

(Rs. in million)

Particulars Six months period ended September 30, 2023 Fiscal 2023 Fiscal 2022 Fiscal 2021
in Rs. million % to operation revenue inRs. million to operation revenue inRs. million % to operation revenue in Rs. million %to operation revenue
Top 2 Customer 2555.77 42.17 % 4344.36 36.91 % 4796.04 62.25 % 4170.28 69.06 %
Top 5 customer 3520.73 58.09 % 6248.99 53.09 % 6188.26 80.31 % 4,619.10 76.50 %
Top 10 customers 4381.61 72.29 % 8126.81 69.04 % 6,901.60 89.57% 5,061.56 83.82%
Sale to related parties (Ullal Fish Meal and Oil Company*) NIL NA NIL NA 122.72 1.59% NIL NA
Sale to others 4381.61 72.29 % 8126.81 69.04 % 6778.87 87.98 % 5061.56 83.82 %

2) We have experienced negative cash flows from operating activities and may do so in the future, which could have a material adverse effect on our business, prospects, financial condition, cash flows and results of operations.

As per the Restated Consolidated Financial Statement, we have experienced negative cash flows from operating activities in the past, details of which are provided below:

in million)

Particulars For the six months period ending September 30, 2023 Fiscal 2023 Fiscal 2022 Fiscal 2021
Net cash flows from operating activities (201.19) (543.95) 48.08 59.49

3) Under-utilisation of our manufacturing capacities and an inability to effectively utilise our expanded manufacturing capacities could have an adverse effect on our business, future prospects and future financial performance. In the six months period ended September 30, 2023 and for the Fiscals 2023, 2022 and 2021, the overall capacity utilisation of our Manufacturing Facilities in India was 24.02%, 29.31%, 20.71% and 17.36%, respectively and that of our Manufacturing Facility in Oman was 16.06%, 15.96%, 26.73% and 36.73%, respectively for the same period.

4) Our pursuit of inorganic growth opportunities may not be successful and could result in increased costs. In past, we had acquired and/or invested in 9 entities wherein our Company holds significant equity and capital contribution. In past, a few of our acquisition has not resulted in the desired result. For instance, our Company resigned as a partner from KGN Marine Products, partnership firm, with effect from February 25,2022 and our joint venture arrangement with MSFI Bangladesh Ltd. ceased to be our joint venture on December 20, 2022 and is not actively engaged in any business operations since the year 2015. Thus our inorganic growth strategy may involve various risks and challenges.

5) The products that we manufacture or process is subject to risks such as contamination, adulteration and product tampering during their production, transportation or storage and any failure to provide the specified quality offish meal, fish oil and fish soluble paste could have a negative impact on our business. As part of our fish meal and fish oil processing business, pelagic fish, our primary raw material, are required to be handled and transported at specific temperatures in insulated trucks with sufficient ice. These pelagic fish may be subject to contamination by bacteria or pathogens. While our manufacturing process involves the cooking method which will enable elimination of pathogens, any use of contaminated fish may affect the eventual quality of our products.

6) Our Company is party to a legal proceeding concerning an alleged violation of environmental norms by the Company and an adverse outcome of the proceeding could have an impact on our Company's operations at Mukka Manufacturing Facility I. Further, in past, one of our Promoter Director, Kalandan Mohammed Haris has been subject to seizure of property by Directorate of Enforcement in relation to alleged violation of Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 against which our Promoter has filed a Writ Petition against (i) Union of India, (ii) Commissioner of Customs and (iii) Directorate of Enforcement before the Hon'ble High Court of Karnataka, at Bengaluru. An adverse outcome of the proceeding could have an impact on our Company's business, results of operations and financial condition.

7) We have recently ventured into insect protein business, through Ento Proteins Private Limited, and we may be unable to execute our strategy to expand the business or find suitable market for insect proteins, which could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations. Further, in order to scale up our Insect Protein production capabilities, we intend to make further investment in EPPL to meet its incremental working capital requirements, by way of equity, debt or a combination thereof from the proceeds of the Issue.

8) A substantial portion of our revenue from operations is generated from the export of the products to customers in international markets. Our Company has export revenue for Fiscal 2021, Fiscal 2022, Fiscal 2023 and for the six months period ended September 30, 2023 was approx. Rs. 2,826.96 million, ,389.47 million, Rs.5610.32 million and Rs.3474.14 million comprising of 52.72%, 20.05%, 52.61% and 62.68%, respectively of the revenue from operations of the Company. We are, therefore, exposed to significant risks relating to exchange rate fluctuations.

9) Our business depends on our ability to successfully obtain payments from our customers for services provided. Any inability on our part to collect amounts owed to us or to pay amounts owed by us could result in the reduction of our profits. Set forth below are the details of our trade receivables for the Fiscal 2023, Fiscal 2022 and Fiscal 2021 and for the six month period ended on September 30,2023

Particular As at/ for the six months ended September 30, 2023 Fiscal 2023 Fiscal 2022 Fiscal 2021
Trade receivables in million) 1,484.91 1,132.71 613.31 478.86
Debtor turnover ratio (in days outstanding) 44 35 29 29
Provisions made/ Write-off in million) NIL NIL NIL NIL

10) Some of our Group Companies have incurred losses in the previous Fiscals and the loss for the Fiscal 2023 is around Rs. 57.46 million. Sustained financial losses by our Group Companies may not be perceived positively by external parties such as customers, bankers, suppliers etc., which may affect our credibility and business operations.

11) Weighted average cost of all Equity Shares transacted in the three years, eighteen months and one year preceding the date of the Prospectus

Period Weighted average cost of acquisition per Equity Share (in Rs.)* Cap Price is ‘x' times the weighted average cost of acquisition Range of acquisition price per Equity Share: lowest price-highest price (inRs.)*
Last one year preceding the date of this Prospectus NA# NA# NA#
Last eighteen months preceding the date of this Prospectus 4.50 6.22 4.50-4.50
Last three years preceding the date of this Prospectus 1.29 21.71 NIL$-4.50

$Acquisition of Equity Shares through bonus issue in the ratio of 3 Equity Shares for every 1 existing Equity Share held undertaken on January 18, 2022, hence the acquisition price is nil.

*As certified by our Statutory Auditors, Shah & Taparia, Chartered Accountants, by way of their certificate dated March 04,2024.

UThere have been no transactions of Equity Shares of the Company in the one year preceding the date of the Prospectus.

12) This is the first Main Board Public Issue being handled by BRLM associated with Issue. The BRLM has handled 14 SME public issues in the past three Fiscal Years, out of which 3 issues closed below the Issue Price on the listing date.

13) The Price/Earnings ratio based on diluted EPS for March 31, 2023 for the issuer at the upper end of the Price band is 14 as high as as compared to the average industry peer group PE ratio of 26.36.

14) Weighted Average Return on Net Worth for Fiscal 2023, 2022 and 2021 is 28.66%.

15) Average cost of acquisition of Equity Shares of our Promoters

The average cost of acquisition of Equity Shares for our Promoters as on the date of the Prospectus, is as set out below:

Name of Promoter Number of Equity Shares acquired*A Average cost of acquisition per Equity Share (in Rs.)#
Kalandan Mohammed Haris 11,24,51,830 0.98
Kalandan Mohammad Arif 600,16,690 0.98
Kalandan Mohammed Althaf 600,16,690 0.98

certified by our Statutory Auditor, Shah & Taparia, by way of their certificate dated March 04,2024.

ttWeighted average price has been arrived at by considering only the cost of shares allotted to the Promoters on account of further issue, bonus issue and transfers, i.e., cost paid by the Promoters for acquisition by way of subscription, bonus issue and acquisition from other shareholder(s) divided by the total number of equity shares acquired by the above transactions.

*While calculating the weighted average price of the shares in the hands of the individual, the cost of shares was considered as the price paid to the transferor against such acquisition of shares. The selling price of the shares transferred by the respective Promoters to others is not netted off while calculating the a verage cost of acquisition.

''As adjusted for sub-division of Equity Shares

**For the purpose of acquiring 45,27,190 Equity Shares from Lalitaben Dipak Modh, 35,44,500 Equity Shares from Hinesh Laherchand Modi and 35,44,500 Equity Shares from Bijal Hinesh Modi, Kalandan Mohammad Arif had paid the relevant consideration amounts to them. However, these Equity Shares were inadvertently transferred and credited into the demat account of Kalandan Mohammed Haris, instead of the demat account of Kalandan Mohammad Arif by the aforementioned transferors. To rectify this inadvertence, Kalandan Mohammed Haris has transferred the above Equity Shares to Kalandan Mohammad Arif

16) Weighted average cost of acquisition, floor price and cap price

Date of transfer Weighted average cost of acquisition per Equity Share) Floor price (i.e. Rs. 26) Cap price (i.e. Rs. 28)
Weighted average cost of acquisition of primary / new issue as per paragraph 8(a) above. NAA NA NA
Weighted average cost of acquisition for secondary 4.50# 5.78 times 6.22 times
sale / acquisition as per paragraph 8(b) above.
Weighted average cost of acquisition of primary issuances / secondary transactions as per paragraph 8 (c) above NAAA NA NA

As certified by M/s. Shah & Taparia, Statutory Auditors, by its certificate dated March 04,2024. Note:

''There were no primary / new issue of shares (equity/convertible securities) other than Equity Shares issued pursuant to a bonus issue on January 29, 2022, in last 18 months and three years prior to the date of the Prospectus.

AA Since, there were secondary sales / acquisition of shares (equity/ convertible securities) transactions in last 18 months from the date of the Prospectus, the detail as required under paragraph (c) above is not applicable

# Weighted average cost of acquisition has been computed for six transactions after considering the impact of sub-division of equity shares.


The Issue was made in terms of Rule 19(2Kb) of the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Rules 1957. as amended (the "SCRR"). read with Regulation 31 of the SEBIICDR Regulations. The Issue was made through the Book Building Process in accordance with Regulation 6(1) of the SEBI ICDR Regulations wherein not more than 50% of the Issue was available for allocation on a proportionate basis to Qualified Institutional Buyers ("QIBs") (the "QIB Portion"). Our Company in consultation with the BRLM allocated up to 60% of the QIB Portion to Anchor Investors and the basis of such allocation was on a discretionary basis by our Company in consultation with the BRLM, in accordance with the SEBI ICDR Regulations (the "Anchor Investor Portion"), of which one-third was resen/ed for domestic Mutual Funds, subject to valid Bids being received from the domestic Mutual Funds at or above the price at which allocation is made to Anchor Investors ("Anchor Investor Allocation Price") Further. 5% of the Net QIB Portion was made available for allocation on a proportionate basis to Mutual Funds only, subject to valid Bids being received at or above the Issue Price, and the remainder of the Net QIB Portion was available for allocation on a proportionate basis to all QIBs. including Mutual Funds, subject to valid Bids being received at or above the Issue Price. Further, not less than 15% of the Issue was available for allocation to Non-lnstitutional Bidders ("Non-lnstitutional Category") of which one-third of the Non-lnstitutional Category was made available for allocation to Bidders with an application size of more than Rs. 0.2 million and up to Rs. 1.00 million and two-thirds of the Non-lnstitutional Category was available for allocation to Bidders with an application size of more than Rs. 1.00 million. Further not less than 35% of the Issue was made available for allocation to Retail Individual Investors ("Retail Category"), in accordance with the SEBI ICDR Regulations, subject to valid Bids being received from them at or above the Issue Price All Bidders (except Anchor Investors) were required to mandatorily participate in this Issue only through the Application Supported by Blocked Amount ("ASB A") process and did provide delays of their respective bank account (including UPI ID (defined hereinafter) in case of UPI Bidders (defined hereinafter) in which the Bid Amount was blocked by the Self Certified Syndicate Banks ("SCSBs") or pursuant to the UPI Mechanism, as the case may be. Anchor Investors were not permitted to participate in the Anchor Investor Porbon through the ASBA process. For details see Issue procedure on page 485 of the Prospectus.

The bidding for Anchor Investor opened and closed on February 28.2024. The Company received Applications from 6 Anchor Investors for 2.42,90,070 Equity Shares. The Anchor Investor Issue Price was finalized at Rs. 28 per Equity Share. A total of 2,42,90,070 Equity Shares 'were allocated under the Anchor Investor Portion aggregating to Rs. 67,19,87,820 The Issue received 24.35.814 applications fcr Equity Shares resulting in 137.59 times (excluding Anchor Portion) as per the bid book of BSE and NSE (excluding the multiple, duplicate bids. Cancelled bids or withdrawal bids, RC10 and Other than RC 10) (the Bid Book") The details of the applications received in the Issue from Retail Individual Bidders, Non-lnstitutional Bidders and QIBs are as under (before technical rejections):

Sr.No. Category Gross
Number of Applications Received Number of Equity Shares* Amount (Rs.)
1 Qualified Institutional Bidders (excluding Anchor Investors) 120
2 Won Institutional Investors-Above Rs. 2Lakhsand Upto Rs.10 Lakhs 1.23.676 27.63.78,36.245
3 Won Institutional Investors -Above Rs.10 Lakhs 50.898 2,01,18,36,470,470
4 Retail Individual Investors 22.61.120
TOTAL 24.358,14 7,69,17,68,275 2,14,76,95,18,055.50

*This excludes 19.376 applications for 1.33,50,925 Equity Shares from Retail Individual which were not in bid book but which were banked.

Final Demand

A summary of the final demand as per NSE and BSE as on the Bid/lssue Closing Date at different Bid prices is as under:

Sr. No Bid Price No. of Equity Shares % to Total Cumulative Total Cumulative % of Total
1. 26 98,92.685 12.37 98.92.685 0.07%
2. 27 78,79.480 9.85 1,77,72,165 0.12%
3. 28 7.91685,105 43.83%
4. 9.99.999 2.202.09 8.11,29,24.575 55.98%



The Basis of Allotment was finaBzed in consultation with the Designated Stock Exchange, being NSE on March 06,2024.

A. Allotment to Retail Individual Bidders (After Technical Rejections) (including ASBA Applications)

The Basis of Allotment to the Retail Individual Bidders, who have bid at Cut-off price or at the Issue Price of 7 28 per Equity, was finalized in consultation with NSE. This category has been subscribed to the extent of 57.26 times. The total number of Equity Shares Allotted in Retail Individual Bidders category is 2.80,00.000 Equity Shares to 52,336 successful applicants. The category-wise details of the Basis of Allotment are as under:

Sr. No. No. of Shares applied for (Category wise) Number of applications received % to Total Total No.of Shares applied in each category % to Total Allocation per Applicant (after rounding off) Ratio of allottees to applicants: Ratio 1 Ratio of allottees to applicants: Ratio 2 Total No. of Shares allocated Rs. allotted
[1] [2] [3] (4) [5] [6] (7) [8] [9] [10]
1 535 1965587 89.21 1051589045 65.57 535 225 9472 24979585
2 1070 115302 5.23 123373140 7.69 535 21 884 1465365
3 1605 34706 1.58 55703130 3.47 535 17 716 440840
4 2140 17839 0.81 38175460 2.38 535 14 589 226840
5 2675 15218 0.69 40708150 2.54 535 11 465 192600
6 3210 6988 0.32 22431480 1.40 535 21 884 88810
7 3745 7226 0.33 27061370 1.69 535 1 42 92020
8 4280 4029 0.18 17244120 1.08 535 1 42 51360
9 4815 3489 0.16 16799535 1.05 535 1 42 44405
10 5350 9733 0.44 52071550 3.25 535 15 632 123585
11 5885 1550 0.07 9121750 0.57 535 9 377 19795
12 6420 1639 0.08 10522380 0.66 535 1 42 20865
13 6955 19934 0.90 138640970 8.65 535 1 42 253590
0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 4 94 240
GRAND TOTAL 2203240 100 1603442080 100 28000000

B. Allotment to Non-lnstitutional Bidders (more than Rs.2 Lakhs and upto Rs. 10 Lakhs) (After Technical Rejections) (including ASBA Applications)

The Basis of Allotment to the Non-lnstitutional Bidders (more than Rs. 2 Lakhs and upto Rs. 10 Lakhs), who have bid at the Issue Price of Rs. 28 per Equity Share or above, was finalized in consultation with NSE. This category has been subscribed to the extent of 241.92 times. The total number of Equity Shares allotted in this category is 40,00,000 Equity Shares to 530 successful applicants. The category-wise details of the Basis of Allotment are as under.

Sr. No No. of Shares applied for (Category wise) Number of applications received % to total Total No. of Shares applied in each category % to total Proportionate shares available Allocation por Applicant Ration of allottees to applicants Total No. of shares allocatedtalloted
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) After Rounding off (8) (9) (10)
1 7490 110394 91.07 826851060 85.45 3642675.07 7490 486 110394 3640140
2 8025 3118 2.57 25021950 2.59 102884.77 7490 14 3118 104860
3 8560 692 0.57 5923520 0.61 22833.95 7490 3 692 22470
4 9095 484 0.40 4401980 0.45 15970.57 7490 2 484 14980
5 9630 450 0.37 4333500 0.45 14848.67 7490 2 450 14980
6 10165 282 0.23 2866530 0.30 9305.16 7490 1 282 7490
7 10700 955 0.79 10218500 1.06 31512.17 7490 4 955 29960
8 11235 266 0.22 2988510 0.31 8777.21 7490 1 266 7490
9 11770 132 0.11 1553640 0.16 4355.61 7490 1 132 7490
10 12305 119 0.10 1464295 0.15 3926.65 7490 it 119 7490
11 12840 96 0.08 1232640 0.13 3167.72 7490 0 0 0
12 13375 188 0.16 2514500 0.26 6203.44 7490 1 188 7490
13 13910 117 0.10 1627470 0.17 3860.65 7490 1 I 117 7490
14 14445 176 0.15 2542320 0.26 580748 7490 it 176 7490
15 14980 691 0.57 10351180 1.07 22800.95 7490 3 691 22470
16 15515 85 0.07 1318775 0.14 2804.75 7490 0 0 0
17 16050 289 0.24 4638450 0.48 9536.14 7490 1 289 7490
18 16585 66 0.05 1094610 0.11 2177.80 7490 0 0 0
19 17120 88 0.07 1506560 0.16 2903.74 7490 0 0 0
20 17655 1236 1.02 21821580 2.26 40784.34 7490 5 1236 37450
21 18190 131 0.11 2382890 0.25 4322.61 7490 1 131 7490
22 18725 84 0.07 1572900 0.16 2771.75 7490 0 0 0
23 19260 39 0.03 751140 0.08 1285 58 7490 0 0 0
24 19795 28 0.02 554260 0.06 923.92 7490 0 0 0
25 20330 35 0.03 711550 0.07 1154.90 7490 0 0 0
26 20865 17 0.01 354705 0.04 560.95 7490 0 0 0
27 21400 111 0.09 2375400 0.25 3662.67 7490 0 0 0
28 21935 19 0.02 416765 0.04 626.94 7490 0 0 0
29 22470 160 0.13 3595200 0.37 5279.53 7490 0 160 7490
30 23005 16 0.01 368080 0.04 527.95 7490 0 0 0
31 23540 13 0.01 306020 0.03 428.96 7490 0 0 0
32 24075 34 0.03 818550 0.08 1121.90 7490 0 0 0
33 24610 20 0.02 492200 0.05 659.94 7490 0 0 0
34 25145 13 0.01 326885 0.03 428.96 7490 0 0 0
35 25680 16 0.01 410880 0.04 527,95 7490 0 0 0
36 26215 15 0.01 393225 0 04 494.96 7490 0 0 0
37 26750 80 0.07 2140000 0.22 2639.76 7490 0 0 0
38 27285 11 0.01 300135 0.03 362.97 7490 0 0 0
39 27820 7 0.01 194740 0.02 230.98 7490 0 0 0
40 28355 12 0.01 340260 0.04 395.96 7490 0 0 0
41 28890 28 0.02 808920 0.08 923.92 7490 0 0 0
42 29425 19 0.02 559075 0.06 626.94 7490 0 0 0
43 29960 48 0.04 1438080 0.15 1583.86 7490 0 0 0
44 30495 11 0.01 335445 0.03 362.97 7490 0 0 0
45 31030 5 0.00 155150 0.02 164.99 7490 0 0 0
46 31565 6 0.00 189390 0.02 197.98 7490 0 0 0
47 32100 47 0.03 1508700 0.16 1550.86 7490 0 0 0
48 32635 10 0.01 326350 0.03 329.97 7490 0 0 0
49 33170 11 0.01 364870 0.04 362.97 7490 0 0 0
50 33705 8 0.01 269640 0.03 263.98 7490 0 0 0
51 34240 10 0.01 342400 0.03 32997 7490 0 0 0
52 34775 21 0.01 730275 0.07 692.94 7490 0 0 0
53 35310 214 0.18 7556340 0.77 7061.37 7490 1 214 7490
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 30272
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 44 28
GRAND TOTAL 121223 100 967661990 100 4000004 40.00,000

C. Allotment to Non-lnstitutional Bidders (more thanRs. 10 Lakhs) (After Technical Rejections) (including ASBA Applications)

The Basis of Allotment to the Non-lnstitutional Bidders (more than Rs. 10 Lakhs). who have bid at the Issue Price ofRs. 28 per Equity Share or above, was finalized in consultation with NSE. This category has been subscribed to the extent of 248.85 times. The total number of Equity Shares allotted m this category is 8000000 Equity Shares to 1054 successful applicants. The category-wise details of the Basis of Allotment are as under

Sr. No No. of Shares applied for (Category wise) Number of applications received % to total Total No. of Shares applied in each category % to total Proportionate  shares available Allocation per Applicant Ration of allottees to applicants Total No. of shares allocatedi' alloted
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) After Rounding off (8) (9) (10)
1 35845 45571 90.53 1633492495 82.05 158.93 7490 957 45571 7242830
2 36380 998 1.98 36307240 182 15893 7490 21 998 157290
3 36915 328 0.65 12108120 0.61 158 93 7490 7 328 52430
4 37450 559 1.11 20934550 1.05 158.93 7490 12 559 89880
5 37985 130 0.26 4938050 0.25 158 93 7490 3 130 22470
6 38520 139 0.28 5354280 0.27 158.93 7490 3 139 22470
7 39055 64 0.13 2499520 013 158 93 7490 2 64 14980
5 39590 69 0.14 2731710 0.14 158.93 7490 2 69 14980
9 40125 125 0.25 5015625 025 158 93 7490 3 125 22470
10 40660 61 0.12 2480260 0.12 158 93 7490 1 61 7490
11 41195 73 0.15 3007235 0.15 158.93 7490 2 73 14980
12 41730 22 0.04 918060 005 158 93 7490 1 22 7490
13 42265 12 0.04 507180 0.03 158.93 7490 0 0 0
14 42800 146 0.29 6248800 031 158 93 7490 3 146 22470
15 43335 97 0.19 4203495 021 158.93 7490 2 97 14980
16 43870 18 0.04 789660 0.04 '58 93 7490 1 18 7490
17 44405 22 0.04 976910 005 158 93 7490 1 22 7490
18 44940 15 0.03 674100 0.03 158.93 7490 1 15 7490
19 45475 21 0.04 954975 005 158 93 7490 1 21 7490
20 46010 17 0.03 782170 0.04 158.93 7490 1 17 7490
21 46545 S 0.04 418905 0.02 158 93 7490 0 0 0
22 47080 19 0.04 894520 0.04 158.93 7490 1 19 7490
23 47615 8 0.04 380920 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
24 48150 58 0.12 2792700 0.14 158 93 7490 1 58 7490
25 48685 20 0.04 973700 0.05 158.93 7490 1 20 7490
26 49220 4 0.04 196880 0 01 158 93 7490 0 0 0
27 49755 17 0.03 845835 0.04 '58 98 7490 1 17 7490
28 50290 18 0.03 905220 0.05 158.93 7490 1 18 7490
29 50825 18 0.03 914850 0.05 158 93 7490 1 18 7490
30 51360 11 0.03 564960 0.03 158.93 7490 0 0 0
31 51895 21 0.03 1089795 0.05 158 93 7490 1 21 7490
32 52430 12 0.03 629160 0.03 158.93 7490 0 0 0
33 52965 8 0.03 423720 0.02 158 93 7490 0 0 0
34 53500 210 0.42 11235000 0.56 158 93 7490 5 210 37450
35 54035 64 0.13 3458240 0.17 158.93 7490 2 64 14980
36 54570 12 0.04 654840 0.03 158 93 7490 0 0
37 55105 10 0.04 551050 0.03 158.93 7490 0 0 0
38 55640 5 0.01 278200 0 01 158 93 7490 0 0 0
39 56175 15 0.03 842625 0.04 158.93 7490 1 15 7490
40 56710 7 0.01 396970 0 02 158 93 7490 0 0 0
41 57245 6 0.01 343470 002 158 93 7490 0 0 0
42 57780 12 0.04 693360 0.03 158.93 7490 0 0 0
43 58315 15 0.03 874725 0 04 158 93 7490 1 15 7490
44 58850 10 0.04 588500 0.03 158.93 7490 0 0 0
45 59385 4 0.01 237540 001 158 93 7490 0 0 0
46 59920 3 0.01 179760 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
47 60455 13 0.03 785915 0.04 158 93 7490 0 0 0
48 60990 32 0.06 1951680 0.1 158 93 7490 1 32 7490
49 61525 3 0.01 184575 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
50 62060 40 0.08 2482400 0.12 158 93 7490 1 40 7490
51 62595 2 0 125190 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
52 63130 2 0 126260 0.01 158 93 7490 0 0 0
53 63665 2 0 127330 0.01 158 93 7490 0 0 0
54 64200 13 0.03 834600 0.04 158.93 7490 0 0 0
55 64735 5 0.01 323675 002 158 93 7490 0 0 0
56 65270 3 0.01 195810 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
57 65805 34 0.07 2237370 0.11 158 93 7490 1 34 7490
58 65340 2 0 132680 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
59 66875 7 0.01 468125 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
60 67410 8 0.04 539280 003 158.93 7490 0 0 0
61 67945 2 0 135890 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
62 68480 5 0.01 342400 0 02 158 93 7490 0 0 0
63 69015 2 0 138030 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
64 69550 19 0.04 1321450 0.07 158 93 7490 1 19 7490
65 70085 2 0 140170 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
66 70620 3 0.01 211860 0.01 158 93 7490 0 0 0
67 71155 58 0.12 4126990 0.21 158 93 7490 1 58 7490
68 71690 203 0.4 14553070 0.73 153.93 7490 5 203 37450
69 72225 13 0.03 938925 005 158 93 7490 0 0 0
70 72760 7 0.01 509320 0.03 158.93 7490 0 0 0
71 73295 2 0 146590 0.01 158 93 7490 0 0 0
72 73830 3 0.01 221490 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
73 74365 4 0.01 297460 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
74 74900 43 0.09 3220700 0.16 158 93 7490 1 43 7490
75 75435 4 0.01 301740 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
76 75970 2 0 151940 0.01 158 93 7490 0 0 0
77 76505 7 0.01 535535 0.03 158.93 7490 0 0 0
78 77040 4 0.01 308160 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
79 77575 6 0.01 465450 002 158 93 7490 0 0 0
80 78110 3 0.01 234330 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
81 79180 6 0.01 475080 002 158 93 7490 0 0 0
82 79715 1 0 79715 0 158.93 7490 0 0 0
83 80250 28 0.06 2247000 0.11 158 93 7490 1 28 7490
84 80785 4 0.01 323140 002 158.93 7490 0 0 0
85 81320 1 0 81320 0 158.93 7490 0 0 0
86 81855 4 0.01 327420 002 158 93 7490 0 0 0
87 82390 3 0.01 247170 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
88 82925 2 0 165850 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
89 83995 13 0.03 1091935 0.05 158.93 7490 1 13 7490
90 85065 1 0 85065 0 158.93 7490 0 0 0
91 85600 7 0.01 599200 0.03 158 93 7490 0 0 0
92 86135 2 0 172270 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
93 86670 17 0.03 1473390 0.07 158 93 7490 1 17 7490
94 87205 5 0.01 436025 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
95 88275 1 0 88275 0 158 93 7490 0 0 0
96 88810 9 0.04 799290 0.04 158.93 7490 0 0 0
97 89345 7 0.01 625415 0.03 158 93 7490 0 0 0
98 89880 8 0.04 719040 0.04 158 93 7490 0 0 0
99 90415 2 3 180830 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
100 90950 7 0.01 636650 0 03 158 93 7490 0 0 0
101 91485 1 0 91485 0 158.93 7490 0 0 0
102 92020 3 0.01 276060 0.01 15893 7490 0 0 0
103 92555 3 0.01 277665 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
104 93090 2 0 186180 0.01 '58 93 7490 0 0 0
105 93625 3 0.01 280875 0.01 158 93 7490 0 0 0
106 94160 2 0 188320 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
107 94695 1 0 94695 0 158 93 7490 0 0 0
108 95230 1 0 95230 0 158.93 7490 0 0 0
109 95765 6 0.01 574590 0.03 15893 7490 0 0 0
110 96300 7 0.01 674100 0.03 158.93 7490 0 0 0
111 96835 1 0 96835 0 158.93 7490 0 0 0
112 97370 2 0 194740 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
113 97905 1 0 97905 0 158.93 7490 0 0 0
114 98440 1 0 98440 0 158.93 7490 0 0 0
115 98975 1 0 98975 0 158.93 7490 0 0 0
116 99510 2 0 199020 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
117 100045 5 0.01 500225 0.03 158.93 7490 0 0 0
118 100580 1 0 100580 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
119 101115 3 0.01 303345 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
120 101650 1 0 1Q1650 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
121 102185 4 0.01 408740 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
122 102720 1 0 102720 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
123 103255 2 0 206510 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
124 103790 2 0 207580 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
125 104860 1 0 104860 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
126 105930 1 0 105930 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
127 107000 57 0.11 6099000 0.31 158.93 7490 1 57 7490
128 107535 55 0.11 5914425 0.3 158.93 7490 1 55 7490
129 108605 2 0 217210 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
130 109140 1 0 109140 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
131 110210 1 0 110210 0.01 158.93 7490 oT 0 0
132 110745 1 0 110745 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
133 111280 1 0 111280 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
134 112350 11 0.04 1235850 0.06 158.93 7490 0 11 0
135 113420 2 0 226840 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
136 114490 2 0 228980 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
137 115025 2 0 230050 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
138 115560 2 0 231120 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
139 116095 1 0 116095 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
140 117700 4 0.01 470800 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
141 118235 3 0.01 354705 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
142 119305 3 0.01 357915 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
143 119840 3 0.01 359520 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
144 120375 2 0 240750 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
145 120910 1 0 120910 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
146 121445 1 0 121445 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
147 121980 1 0 121980 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
148 123050 4 0.01 492200 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
149 124655 3 0.01 373965 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
150 125190 3 0.01 375570 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
151 125725 1 0 125725 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
152 126260 2 0 252520 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
153 128400 8 0.04 1027200 0.05 158.93 7490 0 0 0
154 130540 1 0 130540 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
155 131075 1 0 131075 0.01 158,93 7490 0 0 0
156 131610 1 0 131610 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
157 132145 1 0 132145 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
158 133215 1 0 133215 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
159 133750 13 0.03 1738750 0.09 158.93 7490 1 13 7490
160 134285 1 0 134285 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
161 135355 1 0 135355 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
162 136425 2 0 272850 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
163 136960 1 0 136960 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
164 138030 1 0 138030 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
165 139100 4 0.01 556400 0.03 158.93 7490 0 0 0
166 140170 1 0 140170 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
167 141775 3 0.01 425325 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
168 142310 2 0 284620 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
169 142845 4 0.01 571380 0.03 158.93 7490 0 0 0
170 143380 12 0.04 1720560 0.09 158.93 7490 0 0 0
171 144450 4 0.01 577800 0.03 158.93 7490 0 0 0
172 145520 1 0 145520 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
173 146055 8 0.04 1168440 0.06 158.93 7490 0 0 0
174 147125 1 0 147125 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
175 148730 1 0 148730 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
176 149265 1 0 149265 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
177 149800 6 0.01 898800 0.05 158.93 7490 0 0 0
178 150335 1 0 150335 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
179 151405 2 0 302810 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
180 155150 1 0 155150 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
181 156220 1 0 156220 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
182 156755 5 0.01 783775 0.04 158.93 7490 0 0 0
183 158895 1 0 158895 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
184 159965 1 0 159965 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
185 160500 14 0.03 2247000 0.11 158.93 7490 1 14 7490
186 162105 1 0 162105 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
187 163175 10 0.04 1631750 0.08 158.93 7490 0 0 0
188 166385 1 0 166385 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
189 171200 2 0 342400 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
190 172270 2 0 344540 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
191 172805 1 0 172805 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
192 173875 1 0 173875 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
193 176550 2 0 353100 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
194 178155 5 0.01 890775 0.04 158.93 7490 0 0 0
195 178690 6 0.01 1072140 0.05 158.93 7490 0 0 0
196 179225 10 0.04 1792250 0.09 158.93 7490 0 0 0
197 179760 2 0 359520 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
198 180295 1 0 180295 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
199 181900 2 0 363800 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
200 182970 1 0 182970 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
201 183505 2 0 367010 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
202 185645 1 0 185645 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
203 186715 1 0 186715 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
204 187250 3 0.01 561750 0.03 158.93 7490 0 0 0
205 195810 1 0 195810 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
206 201695 1 0 201695 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
207 202765 1 0 202765 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
208 203300 1 0 203300 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
209 204905 1 0 204905 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
210 208650 1 0 208650 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
211 209185 2 0 418370 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
212 210255 1 0 210255 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
213 214000 6 0.01 1284000 0.06 158.93 7490 0 0 0
214 214535 2 0 429070 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
215 215070 5 0.01 1075350 0.05 158.93 7490 0 0 0
216 216140 1 0 216140 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
217 216675 1 0 216675 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
218 220420 1 0 220420 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
219 221490 1 0 221490 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
220 223095 1 0 223095 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
221 224700 3 0.01 674100 0.03 158.93 7490 0 0 0
222 225235 1 0 225235 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
223 232190 1 0 232190 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
224 234330 1 0 234330 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
225 238075 1 0 238075 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
226 238610 9 0.03 2147490 0.11 158.93 7490 0 0 0
227 239145 1 0 239145 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
228 240750 1 0 240750 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
229 242355 1 0 242355 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
230 247705 1 0 247705 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
231 249310 1 0 249310 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
232 251450 1 0 251450 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
233 253590 1 0 253590 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
234 264825 1 0 264825 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
235 267500 6 0.01 1605000 0.08 158.93 7490 0 0 0
236 270175 1 0 270175 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
237 271245 1 0 271245 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
236 275525 1 0 275525 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
239 278200 1 0 278200 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
240 278735 1 0 278735 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
241 280340 1 0 280340 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
242 285690 1 0 285690 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
243 286760 3 0.01 860280 0.04 158,93 7490 0 0 0
244 288900 2 0 577800 0.03 158.93 7490 0 0 0
245 291040 1 0 291040 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
246 294250 1 0 294250 0.01 158.93 7490 0 0 0
247 299600 1 0 299600 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
248 300135 1 0 300135 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
249 303880 1 0 303880 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
250 307090 1 0 307090 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
251 317255 1 0 317255 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
252 321000 5 0.01 1605000 0.08 158.93 7490 0 0 0
253 322070 1 0 322070 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
254 326350 1 0 326350 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
255 326885 1 0 326885 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
256 33C630 1 0 330630 0.02 158.93 7490 0 6 0
257 331700 1 0 331700 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
258 337050 1 0 337050 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
259 341865 1 0 341865 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
260 346680 1 0 346680 0.02 158 93 7490 0 0 0
261 347750 2 0 695500 0.03 158.93 7490 0 0 0
262 355240 1 0 355240 0.02 158 93 7490 0 0 0
263 356310 1 0 356310 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
264 356845 7 0.01 2497915 0.13 158 93 7490 0 0 0
265 357380 7 0.01 2501660 0.13 158 93 7490 0 0 0
266 358450 3 0.01 1075350 0.05 158.93 7490 0 0 0
267 361125 2 0 722250 0.04 15893 7490 0 0 0
268 363800 1 0 363800 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
269 369150 1 0 369150 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
270 373965 1 0 373965 0.02 158 93 7490 0 0 0
271 374500 4 0.01 1498000 0.08 158 93 7490 0 0 0
272 375035 1 0 375035 0.02 158 93 7490 0 0 0
273 383060 1 0 383060 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
274 385200 1 0 385200 0.02 158 93 7490 0 0 0
275 401250 1 0 401250 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
276 410345 1 0 410345 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
277 428000 2 0 856000 0.04 158 93 7490 0 0 0
278 454750 1 0 454750 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
279 457425 1 0 457425 0.02 158 93 7490 0 0 0
280 463845 1 0 463845 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
281 481500 1 0 481500 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
282 482035 1 0 482035 0.02 158 93 7490 0 0 0
283 487920 1 0 487920 0.02 158.93 7490 0 0 0
284 488990 1 0 488990 0.02 158 93 7490 0 0 0
285 535000 3 0.01 1605000 0.08 158.93 7490 0 0 0
286 536070 1 0 536070 0.03 158 93 7490 0 0 0
287 545700 1 0 545700 0.03 158.93 7490 0 0 0
288 560680 1 0 560680 0.03 158.93 7490 0 0 0
289 575125 1 0 575125 0.03 158.93 7490 0 0 0
290 578335 1 0 578335 0.03 158.93 7490 0 0 0
291 586360 1 0 586360 0.03 158 93 7490 0 0 0
292 678380 1 0 678380 0.03 158.93 7490 0 0 0
293 695500 1 0 695500 0.03 158 93 7490 0 0 0
294 716900 2 0 1433800 0.07 158.93 7490 0 0 0
295 721180 1 0 721180 0.04 158.93 7490 0 0 0
296 722250 1 0 722250 0.04 158.93 7490 0 0 0
297 724390 1 0 724390 0.04 158.93 7490 0 0 0
298 756490 1 0 756490 0.04 158 93 7490 0 0 0
299 763445 1 0 763445 0.04 158.93 7490 0 0 0
300 802500 1 0 802500 0.04 158 93 7490 0 0 0
301 826040 1 0 826040 0.04 158.93 7490 0 0 0
302 827645 1 0 827645 0.04 158 93 7490 0 0 0
303 866700 1 0 866700 0.04 158 93 7490 0 0 0
304 899870 1 0 899870 0.05 158.93 7490 0 0 0
305 919665 1 0 919665 0.05 158 93 7490 0 0 0
306 1016500 1 0 1016500 0.05 158.93 7490 0 0 0
307 1046995 1 0 1046995 0.05 158.93 7490 0 0 0
308 1070000 1 0 1070000 0.05 158 93 7490 0 0 0
309 1070535 1 0 1070535 0.05 158.93 7490 0 0 0
310 1075350 1 0 1075350 0.05 158 93 7490 0 0 0
311 1139550 1 0 1139550 0.06 158.93 7490 0 0 0
312 1153995 1 0 1153995 0.06 158 93 7490 0 0 0
313 1225150 1 0 1225150 0.06 158.93 7490 0 0 0
314 1249760 1 0 1249760 0.06 158.93 7490 0 0 0
315 1257250 1 0 1257250 0.06 158.93 7490 0 0 0
316 1308610 1 0 1308610 0.06 158.93 7490 0 0 0
317 1349270 1 0 1349270 0.06 158 93 7490 0 0 0
318 1385650 1 0 1385650 0.06 158.93 7490 0 0 0
319 1401165 1 0 1401165 0.06 158.93 7490 0 0 0
320 1565410 1 0 1565410 0.08 158.93 7490 0 0 0
321 1658500 1 0 1658500 0.08 158 93 7490 0 0 0
322 1807765 1 0 1807765 0.09 158.93 7490 0 0 0
323 1979500 1 0 1979500 0.1 158.93 7490 0 0 0
324 2059750 1 0 2059750 0.1 158.93 7490 0 0 0
325 2149630 1 0 2149630 0.11 158.93 7490 0 0 0
326 3103000 1 0 3103000 0.16 158 93 7490 0 0 0
327 3210000 1 0 3210000 0.16 158.93 7490 0 0 0
328 10716050 1 0 10716050 0.54 158.93 7490 0 0 0
329 14286105 1 0 14286105 0.72 158 93 7490 0 0 0
330 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 680 1068 680
331 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Total 50337 100 1990800805 100 8000000

D. Allotment to QIBs (After Technical Rejections)

Allotment to QlBs, who have tod at the Issue Price ofRs. 28 per Equity Share or above, has been done on a proportionate basis in consultation with NSE. This category has been subscribed to the extent of 190.10 times of Net QIB portion . As per the SEBI Regulations. Mutual Funds have to be Allotted 5% of the Net QIB Portion Available. In the proposed issue mutual funds were allotted Nd Equity shares due to non receipt of any application by Mutual Funds. The total number of Equity Shares allotted in the QIB category is Equity Shares, 'which were allotted to 120 successful Applicants.

ALLOTMENT 54.54,597 0 3.45.672 16.55.302 37.96.349 47.48.515 0

E. Allotment to Anchor Investors (After Technical Rejections)

The Company, in consultation with the BRLMs, have allocated 2,39,99.565 Equity Shares to 6 Anchor Investors at an Anchor Investor Issue Price at Rs.28 per Equity Share in accordance with SEBIICDR Regulations. This represents 60% of the QIB portion.

ALLOTMENT - - - - 57.81.745 1,82.17.820 - 2,39.99.565

The Board of Directors of our Company at its meeting held on March 06,2024 has taken on record the basis of allotment of Equity Shares approved by the Designated Stock Exchange, being NSE and has allotted the Equity Shares to various successful applicants. The Allotment Advance Cum Refund Intimation anchor notices will be dispatched on March 07,2024 to the address of the investors as registered with the depositories Further, instructions to the SCSBs have been issued for unblocking of funds and transfer to the Public Issue Account on March 06.2024 and the payments to non-syndicate brokers have been issued on March 06,2024. In case the same is not received within ten days, investors may contact the Registrar to the Issue at the address given below. The Equity Shares allotted to the successful allottees have been uploaded on March 06.2024 for credit into the respective beneficiary accounts subject to validation of the account details with the depositories concerned. The Company has filed the Listing application with NSE and BSE on March 06.2024. The Company is in process of receiving the listing and trading approval from NSE&BSE.andtradingis expected to commence on March 07.2024.

Note All capitalized terms used and not defined herein shall have the respective meanings assigned to them in the Prospectus


With reference to the Red Herring Prospectus Dated February 24.2024 and Prospectus Dated March 05.2024 Med by the Company with RoC. the National Stock Exchange of India Limited and BSE Limited in relation to the Issue, the Applicants should note the following:

1. On page 548 of the Red Herring Prospectus, under chapter MATERIAL CONTRACTS AND DOCUMENTS FOR INSPECTION - B) Material documents for the Issue shall include - 'Engagement letter dated January 12.2023 between our Company and Neomile Corporate Advisory Limited*

2 On page 114 of the Prospectus, under chapter "Capital Structure" - Under head Buld-up of Promoters' shareholding m our Company - a) History of Equity Share capital held by our Promoters - "Kalan Mohammed Haris • % of Post issue paid up capital shall be read as 3.87% instead of (3.87)% for the date of allotment/transfer dated December 23.2022



TYPE FY 2020-21 FY2021-22 FY 2022-23
SME IPO 2 5 7


These details of the Allotment made was hosted on the website of Registrar to the Issue, Cameo Corporate Services Limited at

All future correspondence in this regard may kindly be addressed to the Registrar to the issue quoting full name of the First/ Sole applicant, Serial number of the EW cum Application form number. Bidders DP ID. Client ID. PAN, date of submission of Bid cum Application Form, address of the Bidder, number of Equity Shares txd for. name and address of Designated Intermediary where the bid was submitted and payment details at the address given below:

wpe1.jpg (5701 bytes)

Cameo Corporate Services Limited
Subramanian Building. 5th Floor, No. 1 Club House Road, Chennai - 600 002, India. Tel: +91 4440020700 (5 lines); Fax: +91 4428460129; Email:
Investor Grievance Email:; Website:; Contact Person: KSreepriya; SEBI Registration Number: INR000003753
On behalf of the Board of Directors
Place: Mangaluru Mehaboobsab Mahmadgous Chalyal
Date: March 06,2024 Company Secretary & Compliance Officer


MUKKA PROTEINS LIMITED is proposing, subject to receipt of requisite approvals, market conditions and other considerations, to make an initial public offer of its Equity Shares and has filed a Prospectus dated March 05.2024 with the RoC. The Prospectus is made available on the website of the SEBI at as well as on the website of the BRIM i .e., Fedex Securities Private Limited at   the website of the NSE at and the website of the BSE at and the website of the Company at Any potential investor should note that investment in equity shares involves a high degree of risk and for details relating to such risks, please see the section titled "Risk Facfor$"beginning on page 39 of the Prospectus

The Equity Shares have not been and wiD not be registered under the U S. Securities Act of 1933. as amended (‘US. Securities Act") or any state securities laws in the United States, and unless so registered, and may not be offered or sold within the United States, except pursuant to an exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to. the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act and applicable U. S. state securities laws. Accordingly, the Equity Shares are being offered and sold outside the United States in 'offshore transactions' as defined in and in reliance on Regulation S and the applicable laws of each jurisdictions where such offers and sales are made. There win be no public offering of Equity Shares in the United States.

Mukka Proteins IPO Basis of Allotment FAQs

The IPO allocation is based on the subscription level and the investor category.

Refer to IPO allotment rules and methods for more details.

See the basis of allotment document above to know how the shares are allocated in Mukka Proteins IPO .

The Mukka Proteins IPO basis of allotment (published above) tells you how shares are allocated to you in Mukka Proteins IPO and category wise demand of IPO share.

Visit the Mukka Proteins IPO allotment status page to check the number of shares allocated to your application.

In Mukka Proteins IPO allotment process, the registrar separates valid and invalid applications. The invalid applications with technical errors are rejected and only valid applications at or above the cut-off price are considered for allotment.

For more information, please refer to IPO Allotment Process and Basis of Allotment.

Check the Mukka Proteins IPO basis of allotment document to know how the shares are allocated in Mukka Proteins IPO.