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GLOBALSPACE TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED GlobalSpace Technologies Limited was incorporated as a private limited company under the Companies Act 1956 in the name of GlobalSpace Tech Private Limited at Mumbai vide Certificate of Incorporation dated December 22, 2010 bearing Corporate Identification Number (CIN) U64201MH2010PTC211219. Subsequently, the name of our Company was changed from GlobalSpace Tech Private Limited to GlobalSpace Technologies Private Limited on September 20,2016. Pursuant to conversion of our Company to a public limited company, our name was changed to GlobalSpace Technologies Limited and a fresh certificate of 'corporation consequent upon change of name on conversion to public limited company was issued by the RoC, Mumbai on November 30, 2016 bearing Corporate Identification Number (CIN)U64201MH2010PLC211219. For details of changes in name and registered office of our Company, please refer to the section tilled 'History and Certain Corporate matters' beginning on page 93 of the prospectus. Registered Office : Office No. 605, 6th floor, A-1,
B-Wing. Rupa Solitaire Building Millenium Business Park. MIDC, Mahape. Navi Mumbai - 400
710. India. PROMOTER OF OUR COMPANY: MR. KRISHNA MURARI SINGH BASIS OF ALLOTMENT PUBLIC ISSUE OF 30.34,000 EQUITY SHARES OF RS 10 EACH ('EQUITY SHARES') OF GLOBALSPACE TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED ('GSTL' OR THE 'COMPANY' OR THE 'ISSUER') FOR CASH AT A PRICE OF RS 66 PER EQUITY SHARE {THE 'ISSUE PRICE'), AGGREGATING TO RS 2002.44 LAKHS ('THE ISSUE'), OF WHICH, 1,54,000 EQUITY SHARES OF RS 10 EACH WILL BE RESERVED FOR SUBSCRIPTION BY MARKET MAKERS TO THE ISSUE (AS DEFINED IN THE SECTION 'DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS') {THE 'MARKET MAKER RESERVATION PORTION'), THE ISSUE LESS THE MARKET MAKER RESERVATION PORTION I.E.-ISSUE OF 28,80,000 EQUITY SHARES OF RS 10 EACH IS HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS THE 'NET ISSUE'. THE ISSUE AND THE NET ISSUE WILL CONSTITUTE 26.48% AND 25.14%, RESPECTIVELY OF THE POST ISSUE PAID-UP EQUITY SHARE CAPITAL OF THE COMPANY In terms of Prospectus dated July 13, 2017 and as per Regulation 43(4) of SEBI (ICDR) Regulations. 2009 wherein (a) minimum of 50% of the Net Offer to Public shall initially be made available to Retail Individual Investors; and (b)The balance net ofter of shares to the Public shall be made available for allolment to i) individual applicants other than retail individual investors; and ii) other investors including corporate bodies/institutions irrespective of number of shares applied for. The unsubscribed portion of the net offer to any one of the categories specified in (a) or (b) shall be made available for allocation in any other category, if so required. Explanation: for the purpose of Regulation 43(4) of $EBI (ICDR) Regulations, 2009 if the retail individual investor is entitled to more than fifty percent on proportionate basis, the retail invidual investors shall be allocated that higher percentage. All investors have participated in this offer through ASBA process. For details in this regard, specific attention is invited to chapter titled 'Issue Procedure' on page 179 of the Prospectus. THE FACE VALUE OF EUQITY SHARES IS RS 10 EACH AND THE ISSUE
PRICE OF RS 66 IS 6.6 TIMES OF THE FACE VALUE OF THE EQUITY SHARES The Equity Shares offered trough the Prospectus are proposed to be listed on the SME platform of BSE Limited ('BSE') ('BSE SME') in terms of the chapter XB of the SEBI (ICDR) Regulations, 2009 as amended form time to time. The Company is not required to obtain an in-principle approval for the shares being offered in this Issue. However the Company has received an approval letter dated February 16, 2017 fonn BSE for using its name in the Prospectus for listing of our Shares on SME platform of BSE. The designated stock exchange is SME platfann of BSE. SUBSCRIPTION DETAILS The Issue has received 1133 applications for 44,90,000 Equity shares (Before Technical
Rejections) (including; Market Maker Application of 1,54,000 Equity Shares) resulting 1.48
times subscription. After considering, Technical Rejection including applications not
banked cases, the issue was subscribed 1.43 times (including the Market Maker Portion).
Detail of the Applications Received (After Technical Rejection):
ALLOCATION: The Basis of Allotment was finalized in consultation with the Designated Stock Exchange - BSE on August 02, 2017 A. Allocation to Market Maker (After Technical Rejections): The Basis of Allotment to the Market Maker, at the issue price of Rs 66 per Equity Share, was finalized in consultation with BSE. The category was subscribed by 1.00 times. The total number of shares allotted in this category is 1,54.000 Equity shares in full out of reserved portion of 1,54.000 Equity Shares. B. Allocation to Retails Individual Investors (After Technical Rejections); The Basis of Allotment to the Retail Individual Investors, at the issue price of Rs 66 per Equity Share was finalized in consultation with BSE. The category was subscribed by 1.45 times The total number of shares allotted in this category is 14,46,000 Equity Shares to 723 successful applicants. The category wise details of basis of allotment is as under:
C. Allocation to Other than Retail Individual Investor (After Technical Rejections): The Basis of Allotment to other than Retail Individual, at the issue price of Rs 66 per Equdy Share, was finalizes in consultation with BSE. The category was subscribed by 1.45 times. The total number of shares allotted in the category is 14,34,000 Equity Shares to 37 successful appkants.The category wise basis of allotment is as under:
The Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on August 03, 2017 has Approved the Basis at Allocation of Equity Shares approved by the Designated Stock Exchange, being BSE and authorized corporate action for allotmenl of Shares in dematerialized form to various successful applicants. The Allotment Advice-cum-Refund Intimations and/or notices are bemg dispatched to the address of the Applicants as registered with the depositories. Further, the instruction to SCSBs have been issued on August 03, 2017 for unblocking of funds. The Equity Shares allocated to successful applicants are being credited to their beneficiary accounts subject to validation of the account details wi:h depositories concerned. In case the unblocking of funds or credit of shares is not received, investors my contact the registrar to the issue at the address given below. The Company is taking steps to get the Equity Shares admitted for trading on the SME Platform of BSE within six working days from the date of the closure of the issue. The trading is proposed to commence on or before August 07, 2017 subject to receipt of listing and trading approvals from BSE. Note: All capitalized terms used and not defined herein shall have the respective meanings assigned to them in the Prospectus. INVESTORS PLEASE NOTE The detailas of the allotment made would also be hosted on the website of the Registrar to the issue at All future correspondence in the this regard may kindly be addressed to the registrar quoting full name of the First/Sole applicant, senai number of the Application Form, number of the shares applied for and Bank Branch where the application had been lodged and payment details at the address of he Registrargiven below LINK INTIME INDIA PRIVATE LMrTED
The IPO allocation is based on the subscription level and the investor category.
Refer to IPO allotment rules and methods for more details.
See the basis of allotment document above to know how the shares are allocated in Global Space IPO .
The Global Space IPO basis of allotment (published above) tells you how shares are allocated to you in Global Space IPO and category wise demand of IPO share.
Visit the Global Space IPO allotment status page to check the number of shares allocated to your application.
In Global Space IPO allotment process, the registrar separates valid and invalid applications. The invalid applications with technical errors are rejected and only valid applications at or above the cut-off price are considered for allotment.
For more information, please refer to IPO Allotment Process and Basis of Allotment.
Check the Global Space IPO basis of allotment document to know how the shares are allocated in Global Space IPO.
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