@GuruMahadev @JAI JAI GARVI GUJARAT New circular on nse regarding CHAMAN METALLICS.
Pursuant to Regulation 32 of the SEBI qisting Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we hereby conf]rm that there is no deviation or variation in the use of proceeds, from the objects stated in the Prospectus for Public Issue of the Company, dated 28th December, 2022. A statement confirming that there is no deviation or variation in the utilisation of these proceeds, duly reviewed by the Audit Committee, is attached. Out of the total funds of Rs. 2,421.36 Lakhs received, as on 31st March, 2023, Rs.1,650.00 Lakhs was held in the Fixed Deposit Account with State Bank of India and was yet to be utilized. The balance amount of Rs. 771.36 Lakhs (Rs. 577.36 Lakhs for General Corporate Purpose and Rs.194.00 Lakhs for issue related expenses) has been utilized for the objects as stated in the Prospectus for Public Issue of the Company dated 28th December, 2022.