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A and M Jumbo Bags IPO vs Gautam Gems IPO

Comparision between A and M Jumbo Bags IPO and Gautam Gems IPO.

IPO Details

A and M Jumbo Bags IPO is a SME Fixed Price Issue IPO proposed to list at NSE SME while Gautam Gems IPO is a SME Fixed Price Issue proposed to list at BSE SME.

  A and M Jumbo Bags IPO Gautam Gems IPO
Logo A and M Jumbo Bags IPO Logo Gautam Gems IPO Logo
Issue Category SME SME
Issue Type IPO IPO
Process Type Fixed Price Issue Fixed Price Issue
Lead Managers Pantomath Capital Advisors Pvt Ltd First Overseas Capital Limited
Registrar Bigshare Services Pvt Ltd Kfin Technologies Limited
Market Maker
Anchor Investor
IPO Allotment URL

Issue Size and Price

The total issue size of A and M Jumbo Bags IPO is up to ₹4.00 Cr whereas the issue size of the Gautam Gems IPO is up to ₹7.56 Cr. The final issue price of A and M Jumbo Bags IPO is ₹65.00 per share and of Gautam Gems IPO is ₹36.00 per share.

  A and M Jumbo Bags IPO Gautam Gems IPO
Face Value ₹10 per share ₹10 per share
Issue Price (Lower)
Issue Price (Upper)
Issue Price (Final) ₹65.00 per share ₹36.00 per share
Discount (Retail)
Discount (Employee)
Market Lot Size 2000 shares 3000 shares
Fresh Issue Size
Fresh Issue Size (Amount)
OFS Issue Size
OFS Issue Size (Amount)
Issue Size Total 6,16,000 shares 21,00,000 shares
Issue Size Total (Amount) up to ₹4.00 Cr up to ₹7.56 Cr

IPO Timetable

A and M Jumbo Bags IPO opens on Jan 29, 2018, while Gautam Gems IPO opens on Jan 24, 2018. The closing date of A and M Jumbo Bags IPO and Gautam Gems IPO is Feb 02, 2018, and Jan 30, 2018, respectively.

  A and M Jumbo Bags IPO Gautam Gems IPO
Anchor Bid Date
Issue Open Jan 29, 2018 Jan 24, 2018
Issue Close Feb 02, 2018 Jan 30, 2018
Basis Of Allotment (Tentative) Feb 07, 2018
Initiation of Refunds (Tentative) Feb 08, 2018
Credit of Share (Tentative) Feb 09, 2018
Listing date (Tentative) Feb 12, 2018
Anchor Lockin End date 1 Mar 09, 2018
Anchor Lockin End date 2 May 08, 2018


A and M Jumbo Bags IPO P/E ratio is , as compared to Gautam Gems IPO P/E ratio of .

  A and M Jumbo Bags IPO Gautam Gems IPO
Promoter Shareholding (Pre-Issue)
Promoter Shareholding (Post-Issue)
P/E Ratio
Market Cap

Shares Offered

In the A and M Jumbo Bags IPO retail investors (RII) are offered 2,92,000 shares while in Gautam Gems IPO retail investors are offered 2,92,000 shares. Qualified institutional buyers (QIB) are offered 0 shares in A and M Jumbo Bags IPO and 0 shares in Gautam Gems IPO.

  A and M Jumbo Bags IPO Gautam Gems IPO
Anchor Investor Reserveration
Market Maker Reserveration 32,000 shares 1,05,000 shares
QIB 0 shares 0 shares
NII 2,92,000 shares 9,97,500 shares
RII 2,92,000 shares 9,97,500 shares
Total 6,16,000 shares 21,00,000 shares

Bids Received (Subscription)

A and M Jumbo Bags IPO subscribed 7.44x in total, whereas Gautam Gems IPO subscribed 5.20x.

  A and M Jumbo Bags IPO Gautam Gems IPO
QIB (times)
NII (times) 3.97x 0.78x
Big NII (times)
Small NII (times)
RII (times) 10.88x 9.61x
Employee (times)
Other (times)
Total (times) 7.44x 5.20x


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