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2. BBMuffin   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|July 25, 2023 1:14:15 PMReply
They have shelf size of 5000 crores which is 10 times of issue size, so we can apply till 10x times to get allotments. So, the issue is still open and you can apply. I just found a way to apply as guest user (without creating account) thru edelweiss (nuvama wealth) site. You can also apply thru India bonds etc., I chose nuvama as it is edelweiss (recognized) and allows me as guest to apply.
Under 5 lakhs, you can pay using upi mandate. Hope this helps all new bond buyers.
2.1. Seth   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|July 25, 2023 4:44:30 PM
If we allotted 5 lac then can we sell on listing day ?
Someone mentioned that on listing there is not enough liquidity we get.
1. BBMuffin   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|July 20, 2023 6:31:07 PMReply
How can we apply for this ncd online? It starts tomorrow.. Thanks!
1.2. BBMuffin   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|July 24, 2023 10:37:35 AM
It is already over subscribed for retail category in first day... so I do not think we have any choice here...
Should we consider or some web sites like that to buy bonds? How reliable they are? Any light on this matter will help in future bonds for beginners.
1.3. ipo stonks   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|July 24, 2023 3:21:10 PM
The bonds will close today, if you want to apply, you can apply it today. You can apply through wint wealth and the best option is to apply through your broker.