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1. Manoj   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|January 24, 2022 10:28:40 PMReply
For Moil Ltd. I have 5000 shares of the Moil Ltd. And my entitlement for buyback offer is only 679 shares...
So what should I do? should I tender all 5000 shares in buyback offer or should I tender only 679 shares and sell the remaining shares in the market?

Is Government also participating in the buy back? (For the purpose of expected AR)
please guide Sir,
thank you
1.1. antarix   I Like It. 2|Report Abuse|  Link|January 25, 2022 11:49:12 PM
You should tender all the shares to get the maximum benefit as AR is likely to be more than ER.

Yes, government is also participating in the buy back. Buy back and Dividend are two methods by which government gets some significant funds from its cash rich PSUs.