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1. Sopan Ghadge   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|July 12, 2019 12:41:45 PMReply
In mobile app you can not sort the holding alphabetically to know the scripts quickly. I use mostly with Upstoxs Pro there are major following concerns (these are simple requirements for any stock investor): 1. To sign out you can not scroll-down. 2. In holding any corporate action like bonus shares issued, only quantity will be updated but the holding price remain as it is, which will show your holding in loss. (Raised my complaints but no response). It is simple arrangement to be made in upstox database but they don't have team to do it. 3. It will never updated the holding on time. 4. Before buying you need to check holdings quantity sorted either increasing or decreasing order which is not possible. It will show 1 first than 10, than 100, and next you will see 2, 20, 200. Ideally it shall display 1, 2, 20, 100 and than 200. 4, referral program is horrible, i refereed three friends one they diluted by not asking referral code, one account opening delayed more than 3 months, one account opening is still pending. Today i realized that i have made mistake by shifting my account with Upstox.


Brokerage - Average
Account Maintenance Fees - Average
Website Usability - Very Poor
Customer Service - Very Poor
Overall Experience - Very Poor