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1. Pavan Kumar   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|November 30, 2007 11:01:14 AMReply
IDBIPaisabuilder Salesperson Mr Srinivas cheated us

A group of 5 customers, we were given false promises that opening charges will be refunded or adjusted against brokerage at end of 3 months. This influenced us to open account with IDBI Paisabuilder, unfortunately this peron kept on saying that he will ensure that this will happen and after 5 months we are told that the scheme is not applicable to our accounts and is not accepting any calls after this. we feel cheated that a respectable entity like IDBIPaisabuider is having such employees who are ready to give false commitments and promises. I would like to advice all customers to ask for written confirmation so that such issues are avoided. These days every corporate entity sends its salesperson and we accept what the sales person says, its really unfortunate that IDBIPaisabuilder is also doing same things. I request if any one can tell me what to do and how can I take appropriate action against such false promises and also get our money back.