First time i applied in SME IPO, didn't get allotment. In future IPO if I get allotment my question is, is it possible to sell it, l mean any difficulty in selling SME shares? I have account in zerodha. I got allotment in some mainboard IPO s and sold it on listing day or later
Did you get allotment...If not why worry GMP and worry after you get allotment
47.2. Not Smart| Link| Bookmark|
February 1, 2024 3:21:40 PM
IPO Mentor (600+ Posts, 200+ Likes)
Still it is good , more than 100% GMP
47.3. KarmaTheLord| Link| Bookmark|
February 1, 2024 3:23:34 PM
Top Contributor (200+ Posts, 100+ Likes)
@Baji Bigshare is the registrar, so there won't be any allotment for the CG forum guys. So don't worry about GMP.
47.4. Not Smart| Link| Bookmark|
February 1, 2024 4:34:24 PM
IPO Mentor (600+ Posts, 200+ Likes)
@KarmaTheLord After reading your comment on Bigshare I also reviewed my allotments and found that not a single allotment is there from this RTA. I am optimistik to change the histor this time.
47.5. KarmaTheLord| Link| Bookmark|
February 1, 2024 4:49:37 PM
Top Contributor (200+ Posts, 100+ Likes)
@Not Smart Every one can dream with the confidence as they like and there is no harm in it. Good luck for you But I don't trust the BigShare registrar. I feel the scam will come out one day.
Please apply in SME which has Apply rating by DD sir and it is subscribed less than 10 times. Only applying in 100x ones may take few years to get an allotment.