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James Warren Tea Buyback vs Weizmann Buyback

Comparision between James Warren Tea Buyback and Weizmann Buyback.

Buyback Details

James Warren Tea Buyback is a Tender Offer buyback proposed to list at BSE while Weizmann Buyback is a Tender Offer proposed to list at BSE, NSE.

  James Warren Tea Limited Weizmann Limited
Logo James Warren Tea Buyback Logo Weizmann Buyback Logo
Type of Buyback Tender Offer Tender Offer
Listing At BSE BSE, NSE
Face Value ₹10 per share ₹10 per share
Buyback Price ₹295 per share ₹60 per share
Issue Size 8,42,717 shares 14,12,515 shares
Issue Size (Amount) ₹24.86 Crores ₹8.48 Crores
Buyback Ratio
Category Entitlement Ratio of Buyback
Reserved Category for Small Shareholders 103 Equity Shares out of every 602 fully paid-up Equity Shares held on the Record Date.
General Category for all other Eligible Shareholders 38 Equity Shares out of every 239 fully paid-up Equity Shares held on the Record Date.
Category Entitlement Ratio of Buyback
Reserved Category for Small Shareholders 35 Equity Shares out of every 284 shares held on the record date.
General Category for all other Eligible Shareholders 43 Equity Shares out of every 557 shares held on the record date.
Registrar Maheshwari Datamatics Pvt. Ltd Bigshare Services Pvt Ltd
Lead Managers Fedex Securities�Pvt Ltd Keynote Financial Services Ltd
Necessity of the buyback

The Buyback aims to :
i)Optimize returns to shareholders
ii)Enhance overall shareholders value; and
iii) Optimizes the capital structure.

The Buyback aims to :
i) Distribute surplus funds to shareholders and thereby enhance their overall return.
ii) Improve financial ratios like Earnings per share (EPS), Return on assets (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE).

Buyback Timetable

James Warren Tea Buyback and Weizmann Buyback buyback timetable. The investors should have the company's shares in their demat accounts as of the record date. James Warren Tea Buyback Buyback record date is Jan 14, 2022. Weizmann Buyback Buyback record date is Dec 10, 2021.

  James Warren Tea Limited Weizmann Limited
Record Date Jan 14, 2022 Dec 10, 2021
Offer Open Date Feb 23, 2022 Jan 13, 2022
Offer Closure Date Mar 09, 2022 Jan 27, 2022
Last date for receipt of tender forms Mar 11, 2022 Jan 27, 2022
Finalisation of buyback Mar 21, 2022 Feb 04, 2022
Last Date for settlment of bids Mar 21, 2022 Feb 07, 2022
Last Date for extinguishment of shares Mar 30, 2022 Feb 14, 2022

Financial Details and Other Relevent Information

Comparison of James Warren Tea Buyback and Weizmann Buyback financial data. The table below also includes a list of all relevant information like Stock Market Data, Compay Information, Lead Manager and Registrar.

  James Warren Tea Limited Weizmann Limited
Summary of financial Information (standalone)
Particulars For the year/period ended (Rs. in Millions)
31-Mar-21 31-Mar-20 31-Mar-19
Total Income 1,339.76 1,457.94 1,489.75
Profit After Tax 289.60 30.08 40.32
Net Worth 921.27 860.99 1078.92
Summary of financial Information Consolidated)
Particulars For the year/period ended (Rs. in Millions)
  30-Sep-21 31-Mar-21 31-Mar-20 31-Mar-19
Total Income 464.21 982.82 964.82 1,066.67
Profit After Tax -0.89 49.22 43.20 85.69
Stock price at BSE

Stock price at BSE (in preceding 3 months)

Month High Price Low Price Average Price
Dec-2021 272.75 256.50 261.54
Nov-2021 254.40 198.10 239.96
Oct-2021 214.65 187.80 208.83

Stock price at BSE (in preceding 3 months)

Month High Price Low Price Average Price
Nov-2021 55.70 50.50 52.86
Oct-2021 65.00 45.75 54.26
Sep-2021 51.65 46.00 47.95
Stock price at NSE

Stock price at NSE (in preceding 3 months)

Month High Price Low Price Average Price
Nov-2021 55.50 50.60 52.90
Oct-2021 64.40 46.10 54.10
Sep-2021 50.85 45.40 47.89


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