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Complaint against SHCIL SERVICES LTD Broker

SHCIL SERVICES LTD brokerage complaints report provide detail about the number of complaints received by the stock exchanges from the SHCIL SERVICES LTD customers. The SHCIL SERVICES LTD complaints report analyzes the SHCIL SERVICES LTD online complaint data provided by BSE and NSE. This report shows the health of the broker.

These complaints are serious grievances against SHCIL SERVICES LTD broker which the broker and customer failed to resolve. The customer then filed these legal complaints with the stock exchange.

The SHCIL SERVICES LTD complaint no. report also provides SHCIL SERVICES LTD’s number of active clients. This shows the growth of the broker year on year.


Exchange Financial Year Total Complaints Active Clients
BSE 2022-23 9 48,021
NSE 2022-23 25 54,053
BSE 2021-22 13 47,322
NSE 2021-22 18 56,011
BSE 2020-21 6 49,247
NSE 2020-21 21 45,571
BSE 2019-20 10 49,101
NSE 2019-20 6 31,235
BSE 2018-19 2 40,032
NSE 2018-19 11 23,362
BSE 2017-18 23 62,966
NSE 2017-18 11 19,869
BSE 2016-17 10 51,932
NSE 2016-17 8 12,299
BSE 2015-16 15 60,978
NSE 2015-16 1 7,703
BSE 2014-15 7 48,472
NSE 2014-15 3 6,491
BSE 2013-14 4 166,762
NSE 2013-14 1 3,917
BSE 2012-13 10 155,515
NSE 2012-13 2 30,112
BSE 2011-12 10 139,699
NSE 2011-12 7 17,329


Active Clients540535601145571
Resolved through the exchange191618
Non actionable423
Advised / Opted for arbitration000
Pending for redressal with exchange200
No. of arbitration filed by clients
Decided by arbitrators in favour of the clients
Decided by the arbitrators
Pending for redressal with arbitrators


Active Clients480214732249247
Resolved through the exchange7133
Non actionable130
Advised / Opted for arbitration000
Pending for redressal with exchange203
No. of arbitration filed by clients000
Decided by arbitrators in favour of the clients000
Decided by the arbitrators000
Pending for redressal with arbitrators000


  • * Including against its sub brokers, authorised persons, employees, etc.
  • ** Non actionable means the complaint that are incomplete / outside the scope of the Stock Exchange

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3. Abhi   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|November 15, 2022 10:44:12 PMReply
HORRIBLE PEOPLE and a Horrible company.

I had submitted documents for closing my trading account with them 10 months back, and they absolutely refuse to do that. Everything from my side is clear, no dues, nothing, but still they are not closing my account.

I have had so many email and telephonic conversations with them, but to no avail.

Unbelievable that at this time, a company is having such horrible customer service.

2. Ajaybhai V Sheth   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|April 12, 2021 9:20:52 PMReply
Most Bogus and Harassing services of SHCIL .

(1) Since last one year even after so many request done by SHCIL-Bhavnagar(364 001) office NO ONE IS RESPONDING to their Branch !! regarding removal of Rs.100.49 dues which was created wrongly!!

(2) In spite of request given to correct E-mail ID since long NO ONE IN SHCIL is interested to correct mail ID of Bhavnagar-364 001 account holder !!
1. Shiv Devi   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|April 17, 2020 11:57:37 AMReply
When I submitting request for F&O trading
A message appears on my mobile screen
"Contact is in physical delivery do you want to continue"