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Complaint against KSBL SECURITIES LTD Broker

KSBL SECURITIES LTD brokerage complaints report provide detail about the number of complaints received by the stock exchanges from the KSBL SECURITIES LTD customers. The KSBL SECURITIES LTD complaints report analyzes the KSBL SECURITIES LTD online complaint data provided by BSE and NSE. This report shows the health of the broker.

These complaints are serious grievances against KSBL SECURITIES LTD broker which the broker and customer failed to resolve. The customer then filed these legal complaints with the stock exchange.

The KSBL SECURITIES LTD complaint no. report also provides KSBL SECURITIES LTD’s number of active clients. This shows the growth of the broker year on year.


Exchange Financial Year Total Complaints Active Clients
NSE 2020-21 8 1
NSE 2019-20 87 278
NSE 2018-19 12 604
BSE 2017-18 4 340
NSE 2017-18 10 949


Active Clients1278604
Resolved through the exchange03211
Non actionable8480
Advised / Opted for arbitration071
Pending for redressal with exchange000
No. of arbitration filed by clients32
Decided by arbitrators in favour of the clients32
Decided by the arbitrators20
Pending for redressal with arbitrators00


Active Clients340
Resolved through the exchange4
Non actionable0
Advised / Opted for arbitration1
Pending for redressal with exchange0
No. of arbitration filed by clients0
Decided by arbitrators in favour of the clients0
Decided by the arbitrators0
Pending for redressal with arbitrators0


  • * Including against its sub brokers, authorised persons, employees, etc.
  • ** Non actionable means the complaint that are incomplete / outside the scope of the Stock Exchange

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4. SHIKHAR GUPTA   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|April 29, 2019 9:12:54 PMReply
I have invested sum amount of Rs. 11,00,000 ( 11 lakh ) in Kumar Shares in Indirapuram branch , U.P . I'm facing the problem of not getting the interest on my investment on time . If sometimes given by them it will come to me after several months & I also want some redemption of the amount which I invested in the company. Even after several complaints & contact calls your respective staff / employees still not taken the solutions of my problem & they kept on refusing & give excuses that they will try on it . It's a request from my side that kindly do something regarding this matter & let me out of this problem. ????????????
4.1. XYZ   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|November 9, 2020 9:09:14 AM
Sir, we are facing the same problem. Kindly share the number so that we could sue him together. Kindly share the details.
3. salman   I Like It. 1|Report Abuse|  Link|July 12, 2020 12:44:12 PMReply
एक कंपनी है niftech global reg no 83950 director name DHARM PAL
DIN NO 06612424 यह एजेंट है यह बोल रहे हैं कि मेरा शेयर मार्केट में पैसा फस गया है क्या यह बात सच है हमें यह मैसेज कर यह बोल रहे हैं

6 महीने के अन्दर ही समाधान मिलने पर सूचित कर दिया जाएगा। आप की अति कृपा होगी । प्रेशर में काम नहीं चलेगा। समाधान मिलने पर ही पेमेंट हो पायेगी। मैंने ksbl, NSE, SEBI और EOW मैं कम्पलेंट कर दी है। मेरे पास अभी और कोई भी समाधान नहीं है।

3.1. Rishi pal   I Like It. 1|Report Abuse|  Link|July 15, 2020 1:02:50 PM
Dharampal Director neftechtraders saying that his Fund is blocked with ksbl
Is it true?
3.2. Akshay akki   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|February 4, 2021 8:41:28 AM
Is any further information about niftech global pvt ltd, and its director dhrampal.
2. Ramesh Bhadwa Arora   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|November 3, 2020 12:13:45 AMReply
This is a fraud company and a defaulter. Only legal court can help us retrieve our hard earned money back.
1. Rahul Chauhan   I Like It. 1|Report Abuse|  Link|July 19, 2020 6:29:43 PMReply
धर्मपाल जी का फंड कब तक रिलीज हो जाएगा कितना टाइम और लग जाएगा इसमें सब लोग परेशान हैं जरा रिप्लाई करके बताएं