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How much Angel One charges for delivery?

Angel One Account Opening

Brokerage free equity delivery trades, free tips and flat Rs 20 intraday and F&O trade brokerage. Open Instant Account and start trading today.

Angel One (Angel Broking) offers free Equity Delivery Trades for Lifetime

Though the broker does not levy brokerage charges for Equity Delivery trades, you need to pay taxes, demat charges and other regulatory fees as per the below table.

Angel Charges for Equity Delivery Trades

Charge Head Charges




0.1% of trade value

Transaction charges

NSE: 0.00275% On Turnover Value

DP Charges

Rs 20 per ISIN (applicable only in case of sell trade).


18% (On Brokerage, DP, Transaction, SEBI Charges)

SEBI Charges

Rs 10 per crore

Stamp Duty

0.015% Of Turnover Value (Buyer)

Call and Trade Charges (if applicable)

Rs 20 per order


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2. Anindita Chakraborty   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|June 3, 2022 2:46:30 PMReply
What is the additional brokerage? I have a demat account in angel broking and in maximum transactions they charged 20 to 26 rupees as additional brokerage charge. So I want to know about this.
1. Charlston Dsouza   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|January 6, 2022 1:47:38 PMReply
Can someone guide me to a person or guide me step by step on how to transfer my share holdings in my kotak demat account to Angel Broking.
I already have a Angel Broking account.

And is it true there are some Angel broking branches who charge half percent on selling and half percent on selling as delivery charges.

Thank you in advance.