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What are SME listed companies?

SME IPO Enquiry

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Listed SMEs are small and medium enterprises that have raised funds from the public. These companies are listed on the NSE or BSE through a SME IPO.

Shares of listed SMEs trade in a similar manner to all other listed shares, with some differences:

  • SME shares are traded in lots. A lot consists of x number of shares. For example, you can buy 1 share of Reliance Industries, but not 1 share of an SME company. There must be the minimum x number of shares in a lot as specified by the stock exchange.
  • SMEs are listed on only one of the exchanges - either the BSE or the NSE.

The SME IPO platforms enable new early-stage companies and small, high-value organizations to raise capital so they can develop, grow and move to the main exchanges (BSE and NSE).


  • Most listed SMEs move to the mainboard after two years.
  • All brokers offer the facility to trade in listed SME companies.
  • Trading volume in listed SME companies is relatively low.


SME IPO Enquiry  SME IPO Enquiry



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