For everyone who applied on cut-off price in this OFS, you won''t have any shares allocated to you.
I have learnt a lesson today and would like to share and here is how it works:
If you submit your bid as ''cut-off'' price, your bid will come at the last after all bids with a price is consumed. This happens only when an OFS doesn''t get subscribe fully.
In case of BEL, the issue subscribed 5+ times in retail and definitely got over 1 times bids on fixed price (any fixed price between Rs 1499 to Rs 1558). The allotment didn''t even reach to people who applied at cut-off price.
This is based on my analysis of why I didn''t get allotment.
Does that make sense?
Lesson learnt; never apply at cut-off price in OFS. Apply at least lower price.
1.2. m.mahapatra|| Link|February 24, 2017 9:57:27 AM
You are right. But, does this logic applies to ETF route aswell?
Yes your logic is correct and you should be happy to not get the allotment. In the past also this was the case like in MOIL(cutoff more in Retails than in Others). But if you want to buy MOIL on monday you will get it for less than the retail''s price (358).
Conclusion: Do not apply for any PSU OFS at 52 weeks high.
Seems the logic is bad. The system should make one pass to determine the price and then another to allot in FCFS if the price is exceeded by the customer''s bid. Over-subscription cannot rule out FCFS.
Net cost to retail investors Rs 1480.10 (5% discount from 1558.00)
Non Reail Cut-off = Rs 1499
I don't understand why the cut-off is different for each category?
I applied it on cut-off price and feel bad about it now. I should have applied on lower price and better didn't get the allotment.