@Mukesh Elon Adani Ji because he's always positive. @Always Be positive Ji what is your call for HRH? Listing candidate or hold candidate according to you.
Hello everyone, this is my first comment on this forum. I've been allotted shares in HRH. Need your expert suggestions, would you recommend selling them on listing for the gains, or holding them for a while? Considering the risk of SME IPOs, if I choose to hold, how long should I wait before selling?
34. Vnrao| Link| Bookmark|
January 1, 2024 9:01:14 PM
Top Contributor (500+ Posts, 100+ Likes)
All Hyderabad based Companies listed recently, viz., Srivari spices, Bondada, Azad etc., have given decent listing gains. Hope this also follow suit.
34.1. StarGarage| Link| Bookmark|
January 3, 2024 7:28:24 AM
IPO Mentor (500+ Posts, 200+ Likes)
Kids look at the Financials for gains Adults look at the Lead Manager for gains But Legends look at the location for gains
Allotted 1 lot from 8 lot application... What to expect from this share on listing? Frankly I took a risk because was planning Balaji but Backed out looking at its subscription