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SIS Buyback 2023 Acceptance Ratio Calculator

SIS Buyback 2023 Detail
Buyback Record Date December 12, 2023
Buyback Open Date December 18, 2023
Buyback Closing Date December 22, 2023
Issue Size (Shares) 0.16 Crores
Issue Size (Amount) ₹90.00 Crores
Buyback Price ₹550 per Share

SIS Buyback 2023 Acceptance Ratio (AR) Calculator

Buyback Price₹550 per share
Buyback Size (Shares)1,636,363
Buyback Size (Amount)₹900,000,000
Buy Shares Quantity (Shares)
(should be Less than ₹2 lakhs for retail Quota) 1*
Buy Price (₹ per share)
Current Investment Amount (₹)


Expected price after Buyback (₹ per share)

SIS Buyback 2023 Profit and Loss Calculation

Acceptance Ratio (%)102030405060708090100
Number of Shares Accepted0000000000
Amount Received from Buyback (₹)0000000000
Profit from Buyback (₹)0000000000
Number of Remaining Shares0000000000
Amount from Remaining Shares (₹)0000000000
Profit/Loss from Remaining Shares (₹)0000000000
Total Profit/Loss (₹)0000000000
Total Profit/Loss (in %)0000000000

Profit/Loss (if not participate in buyback offer)

Profit/Loss (in ₹)0
Profit/Loss (in %)0

Points to Note:

  1. * The share value should be lesser than Rs 2 lakhs as on Record Date. Hence the no. of shares to qualify as retail investor may vary based on the price as on Record Date. On a conservative side, have considered the Record date closing price as ₹550 per share (Same as Buyback Offer Price).
  2. Profits from buybacks is tax free.
  3. The number of accepted shares is calculated considering all the shares are tendered for buyback.
  4. Profit and Loss Calculation is based on gross amounts and do not include any charges.