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Master Trust Complaints

Master Trust Detail

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Master Trust is a discount brokerage company part of the Master Capital Services Ltd. Incorporated in 1985; Master Capital Services Ltd (part of Master Trust Group) is a leading financial services company in India. Master Trust Group entered in to discount brokerage business in Aug 2014. Master Trust offers both flat fees per trade and standard trading plan. They have PAN India presence with a client base of 2,50,000 which covers 300+ locations across 22 states of India Master Trust has f... Know more about Master Trust

Complaint against Master Trust Broker

Master Trust brokerage complaints report provide detail about the number of complaints received by the stock exchanges from the Master Trust customers. The Master Trust complaints report analyzes the Master Trust online complaint data provided by BSE and NSE. This report shows the health of the broker.

These complaints are serious grievances against Master Trust broker which the broker and customer failed to resolve. The customer then filed these legal complaints with the stock exchange.

The Master Trust complaint no. report also provides Master Trust’s number of active clients. This shows the growth of the broker year on year.

Master Trust Complaints

Exchange Financial Year Total Complaints Active Clients
NSE 2023-24 19 59,711
BSE 2022-23 4 12,447
NSE 2022-23 30 52,754
NSE 2021-22 21 53,867
NSE 2020-21 26 48,645
BSE 2019-20 2 12,239
NSE 2019-20 11 40,021
NSE 2018-19 17 41,710
BSE 2017-18 7 21,207
NSE 2017-18 24 45,757
BSE 2016-17 4 15,412
NSE 2016-17 32 34,623
BSE 2015-16 6 16,346
NSE 2015-16 19 32,003
BSE 2014-15 11 11,835
NSE 2014-15 27 34,161
BSE 2013-14 6 116,335
NSE 2013-14 22 28,596
BSE 2012-13 7 107,285
NSE 2012-13 43 108,443
BSE 2011-12 5 96,268
NSE 2011-12 19 99,656

Master Trust complaint at NSE

Active Clients597115275453867
Resolved through the exchange152519
Non actionable332
Advised / Opted for arbitration010
Pending for redressal with exchange110
No. of arbitration filed by clients121
Decided by arbitrators in favour of the clients101
Decided by the arbitrators001
Pending for redressal with arbitrators020

Master Trust complaint at BSE

Active Clients124471223921207
Resolved through the exchange424
Non actionable200
Advised / Opted for arbitration001
Pending for redressal with exchange004
No. of arbitration filed by clients001
Decided by arbitrators in favour of the clients000
Decided by the arbitrators000
Pending for redressal with arbitrators001


  • * Including against its sub brokers, authorised persons, employees, etc.
  • ** Non actionable means the complaint that are incomplete / outside the scope of the Stock Exchange

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4. Kishor   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|June 7, 2022 10:57:51 AMReply
i have opened a account with master assuming the service to be good but it was the most pathetic experience i had with them, i have transferred all my shared from one broker to master trust and now when i am trying to close it they are giving excuses since 25th May and two of my stocks are still not transferred to another account
3. Vipin Khandelwal   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|February 12, 2022 6:18:58 PMReply
Master trust payment gateway is one of the worst gateway, every time transfer failed and amount is debited from the account and one another worst thing is there tech team always say we can't do anything on it, you have to collect the statement and again mail them 5-7 time then they consider the transfer failure and start refund, it also takes 3-7 days. so now you think these 10 days you cant' trade. terrible
2. Vipenjeet Kaur Banger   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|September 13, 2021 3:28:14 PMReply
Master Capital Services are the worst nobody know's what are the doing specially the Chandigarh Branch people Ms. Richa Bandra and Mr. Vipan they are just misguiding and are not able to provide the correct information they have no coordination with Noida branch of Master Trust, I highly recommend never trust on master Master trust.
1. SHIVA KUMAR   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|January 1, 2018 11:35:46 AMReply
worst services ,,,Pls don''t trust Master capital services ltd..